Chapter Twelve: Knock Knock

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After the conversation with Jason; Miley, Aiden, and Brian stepped out of the room.

"Is everything OK?" Chloe asked, studying their facial expressions.

Aiden nodded quickly. "Yeah--everything's OK."

He then turned to Paige. "He's all yours. He's asking for you and Dominic."

Paige nodded, and gestured Dominic to come with her.

They were left outside with Lana.

"He doesn't want to see you." Aiden said to her.

"Why not?" She asked, looking at them.

"Why don't you ask yourself that question?" Aiden hissed, stepping up to her. "You know what you did--he'll never forgive you."

"I had--nothing to do with what happened to him."

"Then who did?" Chloe interjected.

She didn't reply.

"That's what I thought." was all Aiden said before walking away.

The others followed him.

"Did you find out anything?" Chloe asked.

"There was someone in the shack that Jason found at the old house." Miley replied.

Chloe stopped. The others looked back.

"Did he say who it was?"

Miley shook her head. "He doesn't remember."

"Could it have been your brother?" She questioned.

"We don't know." Miley answered, disappointed.

They continued walking until they reached the exit. Something then caught Miley's attention.

"The black car is gone." She pointed out.

Aiden then approached the lot. He walked around.

"What are you looking for?" Miley asked. 

"A grey Audi." Aiden replied.

They helped him search. The lot was quite big, but then Brian spotted the car.

"Found it." He stated, standing at the far end of the lot.

They approached him.

"So she was telling the truth--" Chloe admitted.

"It still doesn't explain who drove the black car." Miley forked her fingers through her hair.

"Or where it is now." Aiden added.

"Maybe it was the psycho." Brian said.

They looked at him.

"What?" He asked, realizing them staring at him. "It's just a thought."

"A good thought too." Aiden folded his arms. "Jason thinks that the psycho and Lana are two different persons."

"Yeah--" Miley said.

"What if that night, the psycho was the one driving the black car--" Aiden stated.

The others thought about it.

"That would make sense." Chloe agreed. "Which would mean that--he was here?"

"He was here." Brian repeated, in a shocking tone.

"For Jason?" Miley questioned.

A car then drove up to the lot.

"That must be Jason's parents." Aiden stated.

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