waking up

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All i hear right now are words.

not sure who's voice , where am i even?

i'm a lonely soul in the middle of the dark 

i'm scared 

i dont know where i am 

im scared 

i want to return to where i once felt safe 

i can't remember anything

not who i am 

not where i am 

not where i'm from

not how to return to the light i once underestimated and treated it normally when it was so precious and so...marvelous 

its so dark 

so lonely

"im here for you" a whisper spreads in my head 

how are you here for me when i cant even see you? 

who even are you 

where did you come from?

where did i come from 

i'm just realizing my existence

wait what ?

i take a break from thinking and...


i am again aware and existing 

i hear a sobbing 

where are all these sound coming from? 

why is it so dark 

where am i?

why am i in the dark? i remember being in the light and feeling safe 

i promise ill be more greatful but please take me back there 

i feel a warmth 

is that whoever it is i am calling? listening? and responding? is it? please be it.


i dont know how long it has been 

or how the hell i know the concept of time since i haven't known anything else since i started waking up. is it really called waking up? i remember waking up to light. i don't know how i know that but i do. familiar voices keep echoing through my head. telling me they're here and they're doing their best, that they're trying to stay strong for me and i should too, i don't think they know i can hear them, they keep repeating the same phrase when they want to talk to me "i don't know if you hear me but..." who are they ? and why wouldn't i be able to hear them? i'm so eager to know who they are. maybe one day i will 

i hope that day is near 


a voice "wakes me up" , i'm not taking the phrase wake up until i see the light , the light i treated to carelessly, the light i'm dying to feel, to see.

anyways , the voice , i so eagerly want to know who it is , or what it is , i feel it might be like me , i feel like all the voices share a connection , it's weird, but i like it , it makes me feel less alone. 

i need to learn what it is , whats the connection , i know its within me , i just do, i can feel it. 

that's when my miracle happens 

that's when i felt the light , that's when i saw it , that's when a feeling of joy spread , i am shocked at the vocabulary i have, i didn't know what joy felt, but it felt suitable.

as the dark was lifted and replaced with light , i felt a cold breeze , i was in a white room. as i look around i notice i cannot move alone , a piece of cloth tied to a weird shaped object laying on what seems to be also white, also had a new smell to it , i wouldn't say it was a good one, its so silent , i start to look around and that's when i see another weird shaped object sitting next to me , it's wearing something different from me, it seemed full of joy, which also made me feel even more joyful, that's when i started hearing stuff again , mostly a rough voice , i guess it was coming from the breathing object that was jumping up and down and now is sitting beside me holding my face with the ends of his sides , screaming


he took a second and looked deep into my eyes .i figured it'd be talking to me , apparently you can move this prison , so i moved the top of it up and down , hoping it'd understand me saying yes 

i couldn't help but feel joyful, happy. 

"DOCTORS , DOCTORS" i didn't know to who was he screaming so loudly but it made my prison chuckle. 

a couple of men rushed into the white room

this is exhausting 

i cant help but think, i'm so tired , why?

i feel myself shift back as the other things do whatever their suppose to. 

the first thing , the one that was jumping up and down , comes back 

it sits on the floor as he takes one of the ends of the sides on the white rectangle thing.

"don't worry honey , well get you out of here as soon as possible." 

"yes , id very much appreciate that, may i ask you a question?" i kindly respond

"it feels great to hear your voice again. fuck i've missed you." 

it leans towards me but i back away

it gives me a weird look 

"now about my question; what are you ?"

another weird look

scared maybe?

"what do you mean?"

"oh..i  don't think there is an any simpler question"

"i'm..i'm..well i'm a person"

"what is that?"

"sir , may we take a minute of your time?" they tell it

"of course " he says , still looking scared, i feel bad for it. 

it slowly turns his head back at me

"n-now d-don't you go anywhere, ill be right back, i promise"

i try to comfort it 

i don't think i can. 

i think about the new word he just gave me 


i like that.

i shift my prison up and take a moment to appreciate the light , the light i will never underestimate again, the joy of my life, the light.

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