waking up : pt 2

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As i look around me, i'm in an unknown place , everything i see is a mystery to me , everything around me is anonymous , new, nameless, unheard of, far. its like living in the dark , but a little lighter somehow.. 

maybe its that i can finally know whats around be , admire all the colors and shapes and sizes.

"oh my baby's alive shes alive!" another person walks into the blank white room with objects in her hands. 

but this person is different from the first person i saw 

it tries to touch me but i move away 

i don't know these persons.

another person walks in with it. but its is way different than the person. 

then finally the one familiar person walks into the room. 

i quickly shift to him, 

i wanted to hold him and somehow the object on the white rectangle did 

its held his hand tightly 

he looked at the other persons sadly. 

"what the hell did you tell her , what did you do to my baby."

"last time i remember it was your psycho  ass husband that did this. i was the first to save her, you're not even suppose to be here or know she woke up since the decision was so  clear." 

"shes still my daughter, i can do whatever I want with her." 

"well you took the wrong dissension didn't you. shes not yours anymore."

water flooded the new persons eyes,

"i was clear with my words " it said now also gripping tightly around the object to ensure security. " but i'm a good person, to show you what you did to your so called daughter please visit doctor Adam , hell be happy to tell you."

the new person left the room, water covering their face.

"you too"

and so the two persons left. it was just me and the feeling of security that made joy blossom all through me. 

the familiar person sat on the white rectangle

he put his hand through black strings on top of me, i felt it 

he gave me a smile 

i don't know how i knew it was a smile , it popped in my empty head.

" ill get you through this , this time i wont leave , i promise." 

 i nodded.

"i know you have no idea who or what i am, i know you cant understand anything around you , i know your in a dark lonely place right now but i will get you through this."

he pauses for a second then continues with a smile.

"my names David. i'm trying to introduce this idea to you in the simplest way possible , im your father , your dad , i..sort of-uh brought you here i guess? i-i gave you this life is the simplest way i can put it" 

he gave me comfort even though i didnt really know him.

"hello david, can i call you that?" i said in a low voice , it was getting dark yet some orangie light was coming out. 

"there are a lot of things you can call me but thats your option."

"like what?"

"dad , father or you can just call me David , your choice really."

"dad, where am i ?" 

"your in a hospital"

"whats a hospital and why am i here?"

"a hospital is a place where doctors can help heal injured people or sick people , people who don't feel well and  need help."

"do i need help? why am i here?"

"well honey the fact that you remember nothing alone is a reason , but you were in an accident and that's why your here , you losing your memory is the aftermath."

"what does the aftermath mean?"

"it means the resolution of something , the consequences or after-effects of an unpleasant event."

"oh"is all i managed to get out 

"don't worry i know your scared and lost and lonely and whatever , but ill be with you every step of the way and help with everything fro learning to writing , cooking , running , anything you can possibly think of"

"thank you. when can me start , to me everything here is an object."

"you want to start now?" 


"alright, what do you want to know?"

and that's how our night began with me learning everything in the room, its lik i knew all the words but needed someone to help me find and use them.

i learned everything from bed , to flower, to body , to hair , everything in the room

i learned that we were people and so were the two that came in earlier.

he wouldn't tell me anything else about them 

he told me they brought me flowers 

he told me they are a traditional gift for hospital patients, as they can do a lot to cheer up the person and make the dull, dreary ward seem a bit brighter.

after all that 

he looked at me as if had been waiting for it for centuries 

he was tired

i could tell 

"well, its getting late now , you need some rest and i also need to go. its been a long day for the both of us."

he got up "just sleep and have some rest ok?"

i nodded 

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