Practice Kisses

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It's clichéd, but it's the truth when I'm saying that Lucien and I manage to find a fancy hotel by the beach within a ten minute drive. Lord behold, this hotel happens to be owned by his family. Wow. What a coincidence, I'm starting to think. Yeah right. I'm pretty sure Lucien knew that this beach would be close to his family owned hotel and that we would end up having to stay there. I'm starting to think that he might be a mastermind of some sort; however, I don't think he could plan to throw me in the water. I mean, I was the one that made a sand mermaid out of him, which did lead us into the ocean for his alleged "shower". So . . . maybe this is just a coincidence, and I'm thinking too much and not trusting fate to work itself through.

To be honest, I don't really trust fate. I think fate likes to screw my life up. I was thinking about contributing society and making laws for the people, but somehow I'm at a huge corporation doing transactional deals. Not exactly humanitarian. Somehow the government people didn't like my resume and cover letters, and so my career went the other way. Fate messing me up there? Yeah, maybe. And what about my love life? Did fate mess me up? Yes, I think I already echoed so many times how nonexistent my love life is. Who gets to be stuck in a group with mostly females? Me!

So let it be fate toying with my sanity by making me have to stay in the same hotel room as Lucien. It turns out all the other rooms were booked, so the only empty one is one of the executive suites. Okay, to be fair, there was this other standard room available for each of us, but then . . . the thought of being able to stay at an executive suite won me over. Fine, I take it back. My greediness led me to have to be in the same room as Lucien and when we arrive at the suite, I realize that we'll be in the same bed as well.

After years of friendship, you'd think sleeping together on one bed shouldn't be that awkward? No matter how close we are, we never shared beds. I think it was just that line we drew to stay friends. Whenever he crashed at my place, he would just sleep on the couch. When I went to his apartment, he would offer me his guest bedroom. So now that we have one king sized bed in front of us, I'm not really sure how this will work out.

Before I can even start debating, Lucien tells me, "The manager said he'd send us some clothes to wear. In the meantime, why don't you take a bath first?"

"What about you?" I ask.

"It's fine. I can wait a bit. I did dump you into the ocean," he responds.

"True. You're right," I snicker. "I should get first dibs."

"There should be a bathrobe inside, so don't worry about clothes for now," he notes.

"All right."

I walk down the hallway and turn to the right to find the bathroom. Upon entering the bathroom, I notice how fancy everything is. There's Lucien's favourite high-tech toilet. The sink counter and the floor are made of marble. The bathtub is very deep and has buttons that remind me of a Jacuzzi. Without thinking much, I fill up the tub and once the water is at the perfect temperature, I take off my clothes and slip in. I'm about to take my time relaxing and even considering doing a bubble bath later when out of the corner of my eye, I see . . . Lucien sitting in a chair with his legs crossed.

Gawking directly at me, he waves and greets, "Nice view huh?"

"Wh-Wh-What?" I stutter and quickly cover my important areas. I look around and finally realize that this bathroom is completely open! There aren't any doors. I should have remembered that bathrooms come with doors. You don't just go into a room and not have a door. This bathtub just so happens to be right across from the bed and Lucien is to the right of the bed. I finally see this glass sliding door that I should have pulled to prevent someone from walking to the bathroom. However, this door doesn't cover the bath tub at all. Someone could still hop into this tub and knowing Lucien . . . God knows what'll happen?

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