In His Eyes

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Note: This chapter is written from Lucien's POV. I'm not sure if I'll write more chapters in his POV in the future, but I thought I'd share a glimpse of his thoughts. Feel free to let me know if you'd want more chapters from his POV! Thank you for reading my story!

I learned at a young age that I could get anything I wanted easily. Truthfully, most of the time I never had to even open my mouth to say anything and my wish would be granted. When I told my parents that my friend had the latest video game console, they surprised me the next day with the same model. Girls would do me favours like offer to do my homework, give me snacks, and volunteer to do my duties. Guys would hang out with me because I had the latest gadgets and would treat them to meals. They would introduce me to more girls and suck up to me due to my family background. I really didn't need to worry about much and I didn't ask for much as well.

I remember one of the few requests I made to my parents. I asked for a dog, not because I thought it would be cool to own one but because I was lonely. My parents were too busy with their work to even care about me. I can't complain that they don't love me. They do, but often, I found that they would rather give me material goods so I would be distracted. They never showed up to any of my school events. They always forgot my birthday. There were no family vacations; if I wanted to go somewhere on a holiday, I just needed to tell the butler to arrange something. My parents also never asked me about my grades because anything was acceptable to them. They never scolded me because they didn't want to bother with an angry child. A happy, compliant kid was all that they needed—an accessory that they could bring around to their social events.

My older sister, Lili, was too busy with her own life to bother with mine and was hardly at home. After all, she was ten years older than me, so when I was still young, she was already in high school becoming infatuated with jocks. She was the most popular girl at school, the queen bee. It wasn't hard to see why. She had inherited my mother's good looks with her long blonde, straight hair and skinny figure. Often, people would say that she was Amanda Seyfriend's doppelganger, and she took that compliment to heart. In fact, by the time she graduated high school, she led such a notorious lifestyle that she often made the cover of tabloids. She had become a popular model and became known for dating several famous actors and singers.

My brother, Mathieu, was three years older than me and hated my guts to the extent that I sometimes questioned where we shared the same bloodline. However, there was no doubt that he was my brother since he looked exactly like my father. The two shared the same dark brown hair, droopy eyes, straight bulbous nose, and flat lips. Mathieu hated me because my parents and my grandpa stopped doting on him when I was born. Lili told me once that everyone used to focus on Mathieu because he was the only male heir. Lili also said that although Mathieu did nothing spectacular, everyone treated him like God. Then, I apparently came along and took his spotlight; as Lili put it, I was actually smart and looked better than Mathieu.

I had inherited my grandmother's features; my grandmother had won Miss Universe and became an actress. Unfortunately, she passed away when she was in her early forties due to a plane accident. My grandpa had been devastated for many, many years and never remarried. He had other girlfriends but refused to ever marry them. Somehow, all of his girlfriends reminded me faintly of my grandmother's photographs. Since everyone in the family thought I resembled my grandmother, my grandpa poured his affection on me. Because I was his favourite, my parents too preferred me. If I were favoured, I would eventually inherit my grandpa's fortune.

As for Mathieu, he was left to fend for himself. I tried my best to be friends with him by offering to share my gifts with him or letting him have first pick, yet he always rejected me. He would push me away and yell at me. His yelling started when I was three.

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