Chapter One: The Pit

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The wolf was close behind the young shapeshifter ready to dig his ferocious teeth into the fresh leg of his one and only form, which is a unicorn form?

Wait, wait, wait hold up a second I know you may be thinking. "But Narrator why did you throw us into the book and not tell us about what's happening we are confuzzled!" and you are also thinking. "What are you doing breaking the fourth wall! Get back into the book right now young man!" First off I'm a girl and second I can do what I want this is my story and thirdly I will explain.

The young traveler or shapeshifter whichever you prefer was just relaxing in the grass till a wolf ran out from the tree's and tried to attack so he shifted or morphed as some like to say into his unicorn form and took off like a gust of wind! You may be thinking but a gust of wind only lasts 20 seconds! Touche, but at this moment since he went so fast, in the beginning, causing him to slow within 20 seconds which is the reason at the moment the traveler just got bit by a wolf. Anyways back to the story.

The young traveler screamed in pain and terror as he was bitten on his leg harder than he first anticipated, sending him tumbling down a hole and slamming his hoof into a nail. The wolf stared down the pit with its huge ferocious red eyes that have a tint of a strong craving as if ready to eat him but doesn't venture down the pit knowing that it would not ever leave the pit again. That was the last thing the traveler saw before everything went black.

Meanwhile, all that fun stuff is going on there were four men traveling through the forest bickering back in fourth mostly yelling at the tall young man in front leading the way yelling that they were lost. ¨Draaaaaaaaaaake are we there yeeeeeeeeeeeet¨ ¨No we are not lost Pepero.¨ replies Drake in an angry sort of tone. ¨I told you it was Peperio not Pepero¨ Peperio replies in an annoyed voice. ¨Yeah of course we aren't after all we are lost so of course we wouldn't be close!" ¨For the last time we are not lost Damion!¨

Drake lashes out at Damion about to attack him till a man jumps through the bushes, and they stop and they both yell in unison, ¨Stephen! Where the heck were you!¨ ¨No-" he pants seeming to be out of breath. ¨Time-¨ pant. ¨To-¨ pant. ¨Explain..." Stephan breaths in quickly but long enough to force out a sentence without having to pant every second. ¨There is a creature around the bend it looks like a horse with some weird sharp thing on his head." ¨Mean like a unicorn!¨ Pepero comments but of course everybody ignores him. ¨He is in a pit and is hurt, we HAVE to help it!¨ Everybody looks at each other curiously to see if anybody understood what he was talking about. Until Drake and Damon finally decided to speak overlapping each other words and end up talking in unison once again. ¨Ok let's have a look!¨ They both glared at each other but eventually decided it was pointless and decided to forget about it and they all headed towards the direction of the pit.

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