How awkward

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Maude sat in the back of the coffee shop, sipping her sweet hot chocolate- she hated coffee. Her eyes scanned the room boredly, straying from where they had been staring out the window at the pouring rain.

That had been part of the reason she had decided to dine in with her hot drink instead of get a drive through, the other reason simply because she was cold and the coffee shop was nice and warm.

Her sea green eyes fell upon a boy on the opposite side of the coffee shop.

He was hot.

He had short, dark hair, and brown eyes. He wore a grey knitted jumper, paired with jeans and a pair of modest sneakers. He was sipping what looked like a very bitter coffee- mainly because he made a weird facial expression with every sip, wrinkling his nose in a cute way.

He was obviously very strong- his muscled arms competition worthy of any of those fictional characters in movies.

Maude realised she was staring when his eyes flicked up and locked with hers, an amused smile flicking on his face.

Maude's face reddened and she looked away.

However, when she glanced back, he was making his way over.


Maude's face was probably redder than a tomato, and the boy swaggered over.

Her heartbeat began to quicken and her face reddened even more. What was she going to say? This was so awkward.

But maybe he would sit and just talk, and be nice like in those romance novels she read as a teenager?

Maybe. The thought of this made her quickly take another sip of hot chocolate, hoping silently nobody would notice her red face.

Just when she thought he was going to pull out the chair opposite her or confront her about staring, he walked straight past her.

Confused, Maude turned around to see a pretty girl with long blonde beach waves and sparkling hazel eyes, her white teeth straight and shown as she smiled and greeted the boy, who began chatting her up.

Oh. Thought Maude. That makes more sense.

She looked down at her massive black hoodie that and old jeans, and the very very curly and frizzy red hair, and a moustache of foam on her upper lip.

How awkward.  

A/N Hey so authors note (which u can skip if u want- most probably will) thank you to those very few people reading this. I know I don't upload often, but sometimes it's hard to find inspiration, and I had a lot of tests and assignments due this week and the following one. I am also open to any constructive criticism. The main reason for this authors note is that I'm celebrating having about 3 people follow me now (yayy!!) other than the friends that I have asked to follow me :/ and yes I know that sounds depressing. So just wanna thank those 3 people. Also hi Crustacean I know ur probs reading this :P

P.s sorry this is so short

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