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I watched from my favourite part of the tree- up high, where I could see everything and the branches swayed in the breeze- as the police car pulled up into our front yard. A man and a woman came out in their clean, crisp uniforms, and knocked on the front door sharply. 

Mum answered it, looking tired and messy with Jackson on her hip, sucking on his little fist. 

"Is Neala home?" Said the woman, smiling kindly. I quickly ducked behind a couple of leaves, hoping nobody would notice me as I balanced on the topmost branches.

"She left the front door a while ago, I guess she was going to the forrest to pick wild flowers or something-"

She cut herself off as my feet slipped when I had shifted my footing, and down the tree I fell- hitting several branches on the way down until one arm grabbed ahold of a branch before I fell too far. 

"-or she could be up a tree." My mum finished with an exasperated sigh. 

"Owwww..." I groaned, climbing onto the branch and inspecting my injuries- well, the ones I could see. 

"Are you alright?" Asked the man, the two making their way over to the tree. 

"Fine thank you!" I replied tartly, lifting my head high

"Do you need help getting down? We have some questions." Said the woman. 

"Nope." I replied, reluctantly climbing down and turning around once my feet met the base of the tree. 

"Lets sit down. Do you have any idea where Tiffany Kole might be?" The man looked at me sternly, holding his phone towards me- he was recording me. 

My breathing quickened at the question, and I began to blink a little more- my eyes had become watery. 


"Are you sure?"

"Do you think I know where she is? She's my best friend. If I knew I would have told somebody, she doesn't normally just disappear out of the blue." I snapped. 

"Okay okay- when did you last see her?"

"On October 31st, Halloween. We went trick or treating together, dressed as witches." I swallowed hard. "She thought she saw something following us but I told her she was just paranoid." I added thickly. 

"About what time did you leave her?"

"Around eight, she had just dropped me off at my house and was just about to walk home by herself. We were only a street apart."

"Did you notice anything strange that night?"

"I heard a few noises but I shrugged it off."

"What kinds of noises?"

"Like a bin falling over or something, or footsteps, or a twig snapping. That kind of stuff."

"Do you know who took her?"

"No. But I wish I did." I could feel the hot tears dripping down my face, and my throat throbbed- my nose running. 

"Thank you for speaking to us. We will do our best to find her." Said the woman, and the two left. 

A/N sorry for the not very good story. I have better ideas in store. Also sorry its short.

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