The Officer, The gentleman, The Prick and The Bitch

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Part 2...

A/N... Just a follow up after Renji left Grimm and Ichi's apartment... The neighbour is revealed and some serious shit ensues. Renji's way deeper than his friends think and Grimmjow obviously knows his secret but not as much as Ichigo does; soooo hope you guys like it.... Enjoy!


Was it even remotely possible to be this fucking frozen in place for what seemed like the second time in less than thirty minutes apart?... Renji didn't think so; maybe him wining the lottery somehow felt more doable. But he wasn't in the mood to try and comprehend such things that were beyond his power... What he desperately wanted to know right this instant was why?.. Fucking why indeed. Why was he staring at the one man whom both created and crushed his already fragile world in the palms of his delicate hands?..Byakuya fucking Kuchiki stood there, narrowed grey eyes squinting even further as he too tried to make sense of this some what surprising encounter, but then again the smile on his lips spoke a different sort of language...

Renji just couldn't place his fingers on it. Had he known Grimmjow and Ichigo lived next door all this time?... Was he even aware that both of them were detectives, did he not remember Ichigo at all?.... Now that thought did little to startle the red head.. The bratty noble cared very little for his baby sister's friends; With Renji and Grimm being the exception since all three of them spent almost a year and a half in each other's lovely company.. The bastard was always looking down his straight nose at others but Renji was his exception.

This was not the way Byakuya thought it would have happened, him finally meeting Renji after all these years.. Of coarse he knew the encounter would have eventually occured with Grimm being his new neighbour and all, but shit fuck; the man standing in front of him tonight seemed a far cry from the red head he used to know.. This version felt more mature, more in tuned to the ever spinning world around him. The atmosphere surrounding him seemed calm and measuring, but oh Byakuya remembered how menacing and dangerous the man in front of him really were.. After all, it was that part of Renji he eventually grew to appreciate until he fell in love with him.. His hair still radiated that brilliant crimsoned shade and those rustic brown orbs of his still carried that cunning allure that made the brunette trembled with need.. It seemed that after all these years Renji's effect on him never wavered, and the worst part of it was that Byakuya wasn't even sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing..

Smile?, why was he smiling? The red head arched a tattooed brow at the man he used to love suspiciously, thinking that maybe he should excuse himself for a second before wringing Grimmjow's fucking neck clean off, cause clearly the blunnete knew something was up.. But be that as it may, Renji wasn't even planning on staying any longer than he initially had to. His friends were waiting for him and he had wasted enough of his time on the noble asshole in the past to stupidly make the same mistakes again; never mind that sweet fucking smile of his or the way his steely grey eyes narrowed seductively when he desired something from him, much like the way he looked right now; utterly adorable and ready to be fucked into next week. But hey, the past was the past and as a result should remain there....

His nerves were frazzled and his heart practically racing but still Renji wasn't about to grant the asshole the satisfaction of having him swoon like he always did whenever Byakuya's gaze lingered in his body like this.. He was a professional dam it, this  as an emergency call and he needed to treat the irritatingly handsome man as he did any other concerned civilian. Now it was Renji's turn to up one up on the noble prick.. That same infuriating air of professionalism the other always used was going to be used on him instead, a dose of his own medicine if you will, even if it had been almost eight years since they last clashed eyes...

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