Chapter 5

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Will You be my Boyfriend? - Tae

Tae Leans in and Kissss Jungkook and Kookie Kisses back.. The kiss starts to get heated.. But before they could continue.. Tae gets a text saying " We need to meet up.. Remember Tae.. We have to go to Hell and visit our parents.. They want to see how we've grown. - Rm and Suga " Bunny I have to go! But I promise to text You when I come back! " ... " Wait! Tae where are you goi- " But before Kookie can even finish his sentence Tae already left. Kookie Sighs.

* End of Flashback! *


• Jungkooks Currently Home eating Pizza, it's 5:30 pm.. It was 4:50 pm when Tae left. " Hmmm I wonder where Tae went.. But it probably is private thats why he didn't tell me.. I understand. " Thought Jungkook. " I should Invite Yugyuem.. Besides Its not like I have anything better to do. " * Calls Yugyuems number * ( Bold Kookie.. Yugyuem. )
* Hey Yugyuem! This might be a little too late but would you like to have a sleepover with me? * .. * I thought you were having a sleepover with... Taehyung? * .. * I WAS until he had something important to do.. So he left. * ... * Okay so basically your only wanting to have a sleepover with me because Taehyung Isn't there? Thats kinda messed up Kooks. * ....... * NO! It's not like that I swear Yugyuem! It's just that you never asked me for an sleepover so I guessed you never wanted to have one with me. * ... * Of course not Kookie dough! I was just teasing you! * Chuckles * i'm already outside of your house! *

I hanged up and rushed down stairs to see Yugyuem with a bright smile on his face, * We hugged * I pulled away from his hug and Smiled, " I'm glad u could make it Yugyuem! " I say smiling. " Never would've missed it kooks. " , " Anyways what do you want to eat Yugyuem? " I asked. " Hmm lets order pizza and cuddle on the couch! " He asked Nervously. I wonder why he was nervous.. " Of course! " I said trying to brightn the mood. * 2 Hours later *
* Yugyuem and Kookie are on the couch cuddling and eating pizza meanwhile gigging laughing and watching a funny movie. *

* Someone Knocks on The door. *
" I'll get it! " Says Yugyeum. I mumbled an Okay. Yugyuem goes and open the door and it's Taehyung. ( Taehyung, Kookie, Yugyuem ) " What the fuck your doing here? " ... " As you can see im here for an Sleepover YOU couldn't attend! You ditched kookies sleepover! So since you left I came! Because poor kookie was lonly! This shows how im always here for Kookie and NOT YOU! " ... " Wait Yugyuem whats going on? Oh..... Hi Tae..." I could tell Tae was Beyond mad His face was red... He was breathing HARD... He glared at Yugyuem and then the next thing you know it... Tae punches Yugyuem extremely hard. Yugyuem falls to the floor. And I panic... But before I can do anything I feel my self getting picked up.

What the hell? Why is Tae so mad?


Helloooo! Children! Todays chapter was long.. ( Well to ME it was. ) Sorry for not posting for months! But don't worry that won't happen again. Remember that I Purple you!

HI UNNIE!! ( Jocelyn ) Hellooooooo! Hehe! Always remember that I PURPLE YOUUU!

-Mine and mine only- Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora