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Texts between Billy💍 and Ness 💍



I'm not pregnant.


What do you mean

I took the test without you.

You fucking promised you would take it with me there.

I wanted to do it alone bc of a situation like this

If I weren't pregnant I didn't want to see how disappointed you were.

I am fucking disappointed.

And really pissed off.

We're done.


Billy, all bc I'm not pregnant?

No, all because you got my hopes up, and I finally realized that I don't see a future with you. Vanessa, I'm so sorry. I've been feeling like this for about a month now. I've been feeling like we lost our spark, our will to keep going. At least I did. But when there was the possibility of you being pregnant, I told myself I'd stick around. But it's not fair to me to be in a relationship that I'm tired of and it's not fair for you for me to fake my feelings. Thank you for being my first REAL love. I'm sorry.

G was fucking right. My friends were all fucking right. Don't you ever fucking talk to me again. I honestly never want to see you ever again. Leave me the fuck alone for the rest of your life. 🖕

Texts between Jack Finnegan💔 and Vanessa 💔🤤

bbg Sammy and Jack texted me. Are you okay? My heart is breaking for you.

I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you and I threw away what we had to be a hoe for a long time. I'm so sorry I kept you waiting all this time. I'm ready to come home G.

I'm ready . Come over .

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