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"Thank you all and goodnight! We love you!!" Jade screamed as all four of us blew kisses to our beautiful audience. We skipped off stage and as soon as we were out of eyes sight, I collapsed to the floor. My head was throbbing, it felt like my head was being repeatedly crushed by and anvil. I clutched my loose hair (it hurt to much to have it tied back), and whimpered. Jade, Jesy and Leigh-Anne had ran straight off and obviously not noticed me gone. I rested my sore head on the floor, it was cold and soothed it slightly. "Oh Pez, what are you doing?" I heard Jade chuckle from behind me. I groaned in reply, the next thing I know, I'm being scooped up into her arms and carried away. "You head hurts again huh?" She asked me and led me on the couch. I nodded weakly. "I'll get you a drink and some paracetamol, stay here baby." She smiled and kissed my forehead. Me and Jade have been dating for just over 2 years now, ever since the Zerrie break up.

After I had gotten out of my costume, given some water and had some medication, I felt so tired. I had my head resting on Jades knee whilst she rubbed my head gently, it was releasing some pain but not all. "Girls, we need to get going now." Paul whispered gently since he knew I had a headache. Before I could protest, Claud had scooped me up and had me hanging onto his back. "Thanks Claud." I chuckled and rested my head on his shoulder. Jade waved at me and I released a small giggle.

Headaches continued, day after day after day, constant pain. I pushed through interviews and shows, I pushed through meeting fans and the public eye but as soon as I wasn't in it, I broke down, usually in tears. Jade could see how much pain I was in and it hurt me more to see her upset from my pain.

"I'll get you a doctors appointment in the morning baby." Jade whispered and continued massaging my scalp. "Please, no. It's just migraines. I'm okay." I smiled and tried to sit up but I had a dizzy spell and fell back down. "Yeah okay, tomorrow it is." Jade giggled and pulled me to her. I wrapped my arms protectively around her waist and rested my head in between her boobs, she was comfortable. Her head was on top of mine and her hands ran up and down my spine. "Goodnight baby." I smiled and kissed her boob gently. "Goodnight baby girl." She replied. I let out a sigh, my head still hurt but hopefully a long ass sleep will help.

And did it? Of course not... I woke up that night to a wave of sickness. My whole body shook and I stumbled into the ensuite bathroom. I never managed to reach the toilet so I ended up puking into the bath. Ugh. I hate being sick, it reminds me so much of my traumatic childhood and all the times I had to force myself just to get food out of my throat. "Baby?" I heard Jade shout. I groaned. She came in seconds later and gave me a sympathetic pout. "Are you going to be sick again?" She asked me, I didn't feel sick any more so I shook my head. My back was resting against the bath and since I was topless, the feeling of the cold porcelain against my back was soothing. Jade reached up and rinsed the bath out quickly and then sat down next to me. "Come her baby girl." She sighed and opened her arms.

"I'll prescribe you some migraine medication, if it's not working in a week come back and we will do further tests, all it looks like is migraines and the vomiting last night will most possibly be a bug or something along them lines. If you do show any more symptoms though, Come back." The doctor shook our hands and we walked out of the doctors office. "Told you so." I laughed, my head wasn't hurting at the minute and it felt nice, I felt normal myself again. "We'll see if they work firstt baby girl." Jade laughed. I pouted, she never lets me win.

So this is technically a new book, I deleted never be the same and this one will have the same story line. I know I said I will post this all together but I really wanted to get this up. You'll have to wait until I have finished the whole book until I publish again though. Xx

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