Chapter 3: BW2D

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Jason's POV

‘Kat has, so far, wetted the bed every night this week, 3 days into it. She is at the store right now getting the food and as I remind her diapers. She should be back soon.’ I hear a knock at the door. I run to get it.

Jason: Michael what are you…?

Michael: Guys night, remember?

Jason: Oh yea, well you’re 2 hours early.

Michael: So are you going to send me home or going to let me come in?

Jason: Yes, come in.

Michael: Thanks, so how’s life?

Jason: (Sigh) Interesting.

Michael: Is it about Kat?

Jason: Yes, actually, do you remember when I told you about her “problem.”

Michael: It got worse hasn’t it?

Jason: Yea, every night now.

Michael: Poor thing.

Jason: Yea so now we’re sleeping in different beds.

Michael: Well have you considered…

Jason: Yea, we, well, I have been considering. I talk to her about it Sunday morning.

Michael: And?

Jason: She was against it.

Michael: Well why wouldn’t she? She’s 19.

Jason: I know, but we made a deal. If she only wetted the bed once or twice a week she wouldn’t have to wear them but if she did it more than that, she would have to wear them.

Michael: She agreed?

Jason: Yes.

Michael: How is she doing with that?

Jason: So far every night this week.

Michael: So she is going to start wearing diapers?

Jason: Yes, I wish there was another way, but there isn’t.

Michael: So is she already wearing them or…

Jason: She’s getting them right now.

Michael: Oh

Suddenly the front door opened, Michael and I both turned to the door it was Kat. A smile lit up her face. She dropped the bags and ran up to Michael to hug him. She had to be on her toes just so her head would be near his shoulder.

Kat: Michael, it feels like I haven’t seen you in forever.

Michael: Same thing here Kit.

Kat: It’s Kat.

Michael: Whatever.

I look away towards the bags, there were only 2, and neither of them looked like they held a package of diapers. Michael sat back down and Kat went to the grosses away. So Michael and I started talking in every quiet tune.

Jason: She didn’t get them.

Michael: Well she might be delaying it.

Jason: Most likely.

Michael: I have an idea, I’ll tell you before leave.

Jason: Ok.

Kat: Ugh, secrets.

So for the next hour and a half we talked and laughed like good old times from forever ago. We ended up talking about our group channel on YouTube with Michael, Kat and I. Then Gabe and Jacob showed up and Kat took that as it was time to leave. We turned on the game.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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