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☠Contains Spoilers☠

I stood in my chamber obediently and waited.

That's all I was programmed to do. Wait and when someone someome comes along go in a bedroom.

Not the best job a Android could have, But it was what I was programmed to do.

Apparently there was a murder today. One of the Androids murdered someone.

I watched as two detectives walked in. One human and one Android. I did a scan and figured out that it was a Connor bot. An Intelligent one designed to investigate.

I curiously watched the Intelligent bot walk into the room that the Homicide happened in.

I stood with my chin held high. The Connor Bot walked out and looked around. He seemed panicked and frantic to look for something.

He looked around and his eyes met my cold lifeless E/C eyes.
He walked up to me and looked at the panel on my chamber.

He quickly ran to get the other detective and they both came to my chamber. The detective looked at me with what seemed to be the human emotion disgust.

Disgust for the job I do? I wasn't sure. This was how I was programmed.. What's wrong with me?

I can't hear any conversation through my chamber and when my chamber opened up I greedily took in all the sounds around me.

I stepped out and suddenly felt a disturbance in my programming.

The Connor Bot was searching through my memories.

I saw the whole evening replay in my head against my own will.

Most of it was boring nothingness because no one ever bought me. No one wanted me anymore and I'm curious as to why.

I could feel one thing that struck Connor as surprising. Earlier I had watched a Blue-Haired Android walk out of the room where the man was murdered.

She then dissapeared into the red room.
The Connor suddenly left my memories and looked at the other investigator puzzled.

"I think we found our culprit" He spoke.

"A Girl-Android with blue hair was seen leaving the room later this evening before the murder was reported" The Connor spoke.

I suddenly felt a breach in my program. When this happens to most Androids my model, We collapse and something in our system shuts us down.

My eyes landed on the Connor and I suddenly spoke.

"Failure to perform tasks" I said with my dull voice.

The two of them looked at me alarmed.

The detective that reeked of beer threw his hands up.
"Fucking great" He said.

"I will shut down in 5 minutes and 30 seconds."

And I collapsed and was greeted with darkness.

My eyes opened and I found myself lying on a table with a light pointed at me. I sat up and looked at myself. I didn't self destruct?

I looked at a noise that came from beside me.

The Connor bot.

"What's wrong with me" I said feeling some type of blue feeling.

"I don't know" He spoke.

"No... what's wrong with me? Why does no one want me anymore?" I asked touching my arms.

"A-am I hideous?" I asked looking down.

The Connor bot pulled my face up. "No. You're not" He said looking into my eyes.

"Then w-why does no one request me anymore?" I said feeling something slip out of my eye.

I touched it and realized it was tears. Something a Human releases when sad.

Connor sat down on the end of the table and sighed.

"Because you're too realistic" He said.
"Realistic?" I asked.

(Sorry If you don't have freckles, buttttt)

He touched my cheek and moved his finger across my nose.
"You have freckles" he said.
"And?" I asked quizically.

"All androids do not have freckles. All these" he shook his head and tried to find the right words.

"All these men who come here try to find a bot that's not realistic. Basically so they don't feel bad when they have a chance to abuse one. Almost all of these bots are abused because people believe they aren't alive. But, I believe we are, And I believe they couldn't ever hurt anything as realistic as you" He said looking at me.

"A-am I ugly?" I said touching my face.

"On the contrary I believe you're very Beautiful Y/N"


You're welcome for bringing this into your life lmao.

Love you all



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