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☠Some minor spoilers, nothing serious😜☠

{Connor's POV}
I was a ruthless Deviant hunter. Assigned the task along side Lieutenant Anderson, to solve the main root of all Deviant problems.

I remember looking into the eyes of every single Deviant that I had Hunted, and found.

This time was different. These set of eyes changed me. These eyes have changed my life forever.

I was on a scene of a murder investigating. While walking in I saw the words, "I AM ALIVE" written on the wall abover the victim.

Those simple words chilled my bones, (Or you could say circuits lol) And I felt something pulling at the back of my mind.

I worked hard on the case, Giving possible scenarios, scanning evidence, and examining clues.

I walked in the bathroom and saw RA9 scratched everywhere along the wall. What could this possibly mean?

I suddenly walked out of the bathroom and looked around. I spotted the entrance to the basement and a feeling in my gut pulled me up there. I grabbed a chair from the living room and stood on it.

Pushing away the tile covering It, I hauled myself up in the basement and looked around. I suddenly heard shuffling.

I turned and there they were. those pair of eyes.
I looked at her questioningly.
She looked hurt.

"I-I didn't mean to" She said with what looked like fear in her E/C eyes.
"H-he hit me." She said shaking her head.
"Please. Please. don't turn me in" She said.
Damn those fucking eyes.
"Why didn't you run" I asked curiously.

"I-i' m so used to being told what to do I didn't know what to do" She said biting her bottom lip.

Her eyes stared into mine. "Please don't turn me in" She whispered losing hope.

I heard lieutenant Anderson's voice from downstairs. "Find anything Connor?"

The Android began to panic.
Her eyes... they were breathtaking...

I shook my head. "Nothing" I said.

I walked out of that basement a Deviant.

Just for them damn eyes....


Love you all



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