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🚫No spoilers in this one, I made this one where it's not really based on any events in the game.😝🚫
~Markus x Reader~
I stepped onto the porch of my new home. I had just been bought by a Older Man. I was the new and Improved Cleaning Android and the best one there was.

The man shuffled his keys around to try to find the right key. He growled.

I just stood there with my hands folded behind my back. He opened the door and ushered me in. He picked up a basket and threw it at me.

The clothes fell out of the basket and onto the floor.

"Pick that up and wash them" He growled.

I obediently nodded and picked the clothes up and put them back in the black basket. I wandered upstairs to see where the laundry room was, And I found it.

I started my order and heard a bunch of chaos in the streets. I tried to figure out the sound and I heard a bunch of different sounds. I came out of the laundry room. I thought I saw a window in the hallway pointed toward the street.

I ran into my master.
"Have you finished the laundry??!" He asked angrily.

"No sir" I answered suddenly.

He smirked. "Thought so. Follow me" he said still smirking.

I followed him down the stairs obeying my order. I watched him walk into the kitchen and reach in a drawer.

"Time to break you in I guess. The other Android couldn't handle this... But let's see if you can" He said coming out of the kitchen with a large knife.

"Let's just say this is a test. Something to see if you can actually obey my orders." He said holding out the knife.

I looked dumbly at his outstretched hand with the knife in it.

He ushered me to take it.

I slowly grabbed it out of his hand and held it. Curious as to what about to happen, I listened as he started to talk.

"I'm gonna give you orders. If you can't obey them, I will stab you with no hestitation." He said pacing.

He rubbed his hand over his bald head and faced me with a toothless grin.

"Ready?" He asked.

I obediently nodded.

"First task. Stab yourself in the hand" He asked staring me down.

"That will damage my performance and perfromance speed serverly, Sir." I said in a dead, robotic voice.

He got up in my face unafraid of the fact I could just stab him at anytime."I SAID STAB YOURSELF IN THE GOD DAMN HAND" he screamed.

I hesitantly took the knife in my left robotic hand and pinpointed a place in my right.

I hovered my left hand over the right and blinked.

I slammed my left hand down fast with such speed that it went through my hand on the first try.

My vision blurred and I watched as the blue blood came out around the knife and dripped onto the floor.

My master came up and pulled the knife out of my hand which only caused a greater deal of pain.

He put the knife against my robotic throat and held it there slicing a little of my fake but realistic skin.

He held the knife there and I could feel the blue blood drip down to my shirt.

"One question and then we're done here" he said breathing against my face.

"Did you feel pain" he asked suddenly.

I cringed as he continued to breathe on my face.

"Yes." I said quietly. He then dug the knife done more into my throat and sliced.

My balance was thrown off and I collapsed. All my sensors were going of the charts.

I layed there feeling pain seep throughout my hand and neck. I laid in a pool of my own blueblood and suddenly my eyes shut.

I was a goner.

I heard whispers.
"We were breaking into the houses on her street. We just so happened to break into her house to find her in a pool of her own blueblood" I heard a male who seemed like an android, say.

I heard a female voice talk back. "Her throat...."

I heard another whisper and couldn't quite make it out.

"Yes and her hand"

I sat up and looked around. My good hand flew up to my throat and felt it as I scooted against the wall and looked at these strange people.

I looked around and saw I was on a boat. I felt someone kneel beside me and I looked toward them.

He had two different colored eyes and honestly they were beautiful.

He started speaking. "Welcome to Jerico. You're free now beautiful"

I felt an emotion and remember when I was in the store a show people called "Anime" popped out. The girl explained the emotion to her friend and the boy she felt it towards came infront of her.

He said, "I like you, Too"

And her eyes got wide and she suddenly had a nose bleed.

Right then, If I was in a Anime, I would have had a nosebleed.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I haven't had much inspiration to write, But here ya go.

I know I promised a Smut, But I just couldn't write it this chapter lol.

Love you all



(P.s. random song lmao, I just picked a song I liked since I couldn't really think of one that went along with this!)

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