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Author's Note: Off to the side is Kelsey, played by the lovely Sasha Pieterse  and Mia Turner played by the amazing Cher Lloyd! In this story, that is how Mia's/Cher's hair will look throughout the entire book. xx

A Plan to Change Lives

Kelsey Corter

                        "Kells... this is not going to turn out good."

                        I turned to glare at my best friend, Mia Turner, who was the one to shoot down my masterful plan. She glared right back, raising an eyebrow at me to prove her point anymore. Well, news flash Mia, it wasn't working. I had devised this plan when I learned HE was going to be in our city. He was my idol, my reason for living. Okay... So, I might be being a little bit over dramatic, but not too much. Mia was just as dedicated as I was, if not more! She just need to have faith in my acting skills. That's all.

                      I huffed loudly. "Why don't you have faith in my Mia?" 

                     "Because this is dealing with someone who will have way more sluttier girls than yourself hanging off of him. That's all he wants Kells. I love him to death, you know I did. But, he has a reputation. I don't want you getting hurt." She told me, her tone becoming softer.

                      She reached out to lay a hand on mine, but I pulled mine back, glaring at her through my thick eye lashes. "I can't believe you would say that about him." I retorted hotly.

                     She groaned and fell back on her bed, laying her hands over her eyes. I ignore her, instead turning my attention back to her computer, which was opened to twitter. My newsfeed was going crazy at the moment, new tweets popping up in the twenties. I refreshed the page, hoping that a certain someone would DM back. I need this information desperatly, or else my plan would go down the drain. Tweets poured in, my eyes scaning over them rapidly. Finally, an icon appeared next to the DM one, and I yelped loudly, clicking quickly. i scanned over the message, my smile growing larger the more I read. After answering the DM, I closed the laptop with a click, turning to face Mia with a smirk on my face.

                     "Guess what I just confirmed?" I asked her, my smirk growing larger.

                     "Hmmm?" She grumbled, still not looking at me.

                     "He's going to be at the club, tonight. Him and Zayn." I said. 

                      At the mention of the certain dark and mysterious boy, she shot up, her eyes wide. "No he isn't. He can't be."

                      I nodded my head, allowing the information to sink into her brain. I could literaly see her process the information. She began to smile evily, and I knew I had her on my side. My plan was going to work out perfectly. It was a simple plan, with only four easy steps. I liked to call it my How To Be Stylish plan. Catchy, isn't it? Here was the basics of my ultimate scheme;

Step 1. Meet Harry Styles

Step 2. Seduce Harry Styles

Step 3. Get invited back to the hotel room by Harry Styles

Step 4. Get Harry Styles to fall in love with me.

                             See? Four, simple and easy steps that I could easily do. I thought my plan was full proof! I was a somewhat good actress, so acting somehwhat like a tramp shouldn't be too hard. I had no plans to do anything, except maybe share a romantic kiss with Harry. No, I was looking for a real relationship, a commitment. Yes, I knew he was a massive player, but I was trying to change him. I wanted to be that girl that he fell for, hard. Sure, most girls wanted to be that one. But, I was willing to go all out to be that girl.

                          "So, my dear Mia, we need outfits." 

                          Or so I thought...


Hey guys! :D this is my new Harry fic I was talking about! I thought of the idae randomly. Like, completely out of the blue, but it stuck, and stuck hard! I hope you guys like it, because Kelsey is a sassy girl who does what she wants. She's strong headed and sttubborn, so you can see that this is going to be quite entertaining. ;) I wonder how she decides to cope with Harry Style's taste for the slghtly less finer things in life? And by that, I mean his slutty preferences for girls.

Don't get me wrong, Harry is my favorite out of all the boys, but for the sake of my story, he's going to start out.... oh, slightly cocky and arrogant and just plain mean. But don't worry my loves, he turns around. ;) 

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