Chapter Two

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The Harsh Truth 

Kelsey Corter

"Liam, I'm pretty sure spoons can't hurt you."

"No," he half screamed, hushing his voice when he glanced back to see our other four companions passed out in a heap. "they are the devil. They'll come and kill you in your sleep, I promise you that Kells."

I chuckled lightly, holding my closed fist in front of my mouth to keep the giggles from escaping. Liam and I were becoming fast friends, to my surprise. I don't know, he's just this incredible guy, and I honestly don't understand why I'm just now figuring this out now. However, lingering thoughts of Harry kept penetrating my mind, and I repeatedly glanced at his drooping expression as he glanced out the window. Lacy was attempting to have a legitimate conversation with him, but he just kept staring out the window, deep in thought. 

Harry had a bad habit of doing that, just zoning out on people. He didn't mean it in a rude way, though I'm sure that was the case here, but that he would think of something extremely hard, about something someone said. He tried to understand everyone that talked to him, which is probably why he was deemed the flirt. Mostly from how intensely he stared at you.That was him trying to understand you.

I glanced back over, seeing Liam looking at me with an odd expression. Before I could open my mouth to ask him what was wrong, the van pulled into a covered garage, parking in an open spot right next to an elevator. Liam turned around and began to shake the others awake. I slide the door open and clambered out, hissing loudly as my feet began to burn. Pulling my shoes off, I saw the multitude of blisters that were slowly forming. I heard everyone pile out, someone coming to stand next to me. 

"Do you need some help?" a voice said, causing me to turn around. Harry stood above my seated position, a slightly worried expression on his face. My heart melted when I realized he was worrying about me. 

I nodded my head, motioning to my throbbing feet. "Yeah, my feet are killing me."

"Feel up to a piggy back ride?"

"If you feel up to giving me one." I replied, slowly getting up from my seated position.

Harry grabbed my wrist carefully, pulling me up the rest of the way. I watched him turn back around, bending his knees and reaching his arms back in preparation for me attempting to climb up on his back. I grabbed his shoulders, getting ready for my not-so big leap of faith. With one hop, I was seated comfortably on his back, and off we went to follow the rest of the gang. They were already almost to the elevator, Lacy off to the side by herself, watching Harry and I with narrowed eyes. I resisted the urge to stick my tongue out at her. No, I chose to be the more civil of the two of us. Aren't I just the little angel?

We made out way to the elevator, packing in tightly. The doors closed with a ding, and the air began to thicken considerably. The tension in the small compacted room was thick enough that it almost made it difficult to breath. Instead of trying to make small talk, I laid my head against Harry's back, and breathed in his musky smell. Man, he smelled good. 

Finally, the doors opened, and we all headed out. We made our way down the hall, the only noise from the flickering lights and the small talk by Mia and Zayn. I didn't bother moving my head from Harry's back, instead closing my eyes and almost falling asleep from the rocking motion of him walking. However, my little nap was interrupted by a door unlocking and swinging open, causing me to crack my blue eyes open. 

"Were here." 

Liam Payne

I was the first to walk into our hotel room, throwing my phone and wallet down on the side table, ignoring the bright light that flashed on my phone. 

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