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You started your morning as per usual. Taking some time to wake up with a cup of coffee, you scrolled through a few apps on your phone. It had been around another month or so since your last contact with Yoongi, but you've been so busy lately that you honestly didn't even notice. You checked the reviews on your cafe, responding to a few here and there, and writing down pointers from a few of the constructive criticism reviews that were left. Once your coffee was finished, you took a quick shower and changed into your clothes for the day.

Even though you live rather close to the cafe, traffic caused you to be running a little behind. The second you pulled into the alley behind the cafe, you threw your car into park and hurried to unlock all the doors and begin prepping for the breakfast rush. Working diligently with your employees, you did the best you could to maintain the rush. At around noon, the pace started to slow, and you were able to take a breath.

"Im heading into my office to go over some paperwork and stuff," you called out, not waiting for a response as you shut the door behind you. The 'office' was more of a small supply closet. There was barely enough room for the small desk and chair that you had added, but you made it work. You made more than enough money to upgrade to a bigger building, but this place held meaning to you, it was where you started. It was a huge risk for you as you used your entire inheritance to purchase the building, remodel, and actually open the cafe. Luckly, that risk paid off nicely, and you'd absolutely hate to move if you didn't have to.

It wasn't until the lunch rush that you exited the office. At around 1pm, the bell above the door continuously chimed, and you finished the document you were working on to go help out. Your staff were more than capable, but you enjoyed actually doing the job, its the reason you opened a cafe in the first place.

"Behind!" You called out, carrying a heavy tray of pastries, sandwiches, and different artistry drinks. Handing the items out to the correct people, the tray was tucked under your arm as you grabbed the pad out from your apron and greeted the new customers. "Hi! Welcome to Peaches and Cream, what can I get for you?"

The two men at the table gleamed up at you as they set the menus down. Their orders were rather simple, you only wrote them down as a precaution. A chicken-spinach wrap, a sweet-n-sour chicken bowl, and two orders of green tea. Smiling, you nodded at the two men, then turned around and headed back to the kitchen to give the ticket to the chef. While the food was cooking, you took the opportunity to clean up a little: wiping up small coffee spills, sweep up the floor, bus the empty tables to make room for more people. Soon enough, your order was complete, and you trayed it up to take to the table.

It was 4pm when business had died down, and your staff could finally take a moment to breath. Even with the stress, rushes were your favorite part of running a business. Your absolute favorite thing in the world is interacting with your customers, whether they are regulars giving you new tid-bits about their lives or they are someone coming in for the first time. Overall, you loved it. Around an hour and a half later, you began the closing procedures. You cut your staff, sending them home for the night. You could handle the last half hour on your own, as not many people come to a cafe this late at night. You leasirely wiped down the counter when the bell caught your attention. It was two men, one clearly shorter than the other. They both had on black masks and hats, hiding their identities. It wasn't unusual for you to get celebrates as your cafe sits right on the main street. "Sorry boys, but im closed up for the night," you told them, drawing one last circle on the granite counter with the washrag.

"Wow, Yoongi wasn't kidding about this place, its so nice!" One of them said as they took in the atmosphere, completely ignoring what you had said. "Y/n can you please cook us something?"

"Do I know you guys?" You asked, visually confused. You don't recall ever meeting these two people, but it could be the fact that their faces are covered that your memory is rather spotty at the moment. The taller of the two had pulled off his mask, and you felt stupid standing there. Taehyung softly elbowed the guy next to him, and he repeated the action. Jimin was the one standing there.

"Jimin she just said shes closed. We are sorry Y/n, we will get out of your hair," Teahyung said, looking between the both of you.

"What did you guys need?" You asked, wiping your hands on your apron. You weren't exactly thrilled to make anything as you had just cleaned, but business is business.

"Yoongi had sent us asking for a pick-up order. Hes been so busy locked in his studio we have been having to force him to take breaks to properly care for himself, and this was the only place he had shown any interest into eating from," Jimin stated. You couldnt help the small smile that came across your face. While communication goes both ways and youve been rather lacking on your side, it was reassuring to know he still thought of you.

With a light chuckle you asked, "Let me guess, chicken panini?" The two men nodded. "Is there anything you guys want? If im making his food I might as well make something for you guys too." They gave you their orders, and you went back to the kitchen to prepare it. Before you closed up the boxes, you wrote a little note on the inside of Yoongis box. Smiling to yourself again, you slipped all three take out boxes into a bag, and handed it to Teahyung. He easily paid the bill and left with a small wave. After that, you went over the things you used to cook for them and re-cleaned those before heading out for the night.

You were laying in bed with a book in your lap when your phone went off. You set down the book and glanced at the screen. A simple text message that said, "Thanks for the food, tell me how much I owe you" with a smiley face at the end. You thought hard for a second, wanting to come up with the best reply. Something not too desperate, but not too bland either. If he could take the time out of his day to respond, you had to return the favor.

Finally, you replied, "I think a date would suffice." By the time you put your phone back down, it went off again.

"Ill see you Saturday at 8."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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