Chapter 1 (Childhood Friends)

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A/N: HELLO ALL! Thank you for checking out this new book of mine, and I'm sorry about any possible mistakes!! Hello new readers and hello my old time readers! :D


Lucy has always been pushed aside by her father, her mother died a couple of months ago. Causing her father to change, as Lucy was never noticed anymore. One day she decided to go out and play in the meadows around her house.

She walked out the door, looking around cautiously. She slipped out the door and quickly made her way down to the meadows. She made it to the beautiful meadows as she skipped from flower to flower admiring each one. She could feel a shadow loom over her, as she froze for a moment thinking of what to do. Lucy then looked up and saw a young boy smiling down at her. The boy looked around her age, with onyx black eyes and rosy pink hair. He gave a toothy grin down at Lucy.

Lucy jumped back from shock, and covered her face worried something might happen to her. She removed her hands from her face to look back at the boy. He was frowning, looking worriedly at Lucy.

"I didn't scare you too bad, did I?" He looked puzzled.

"U-Uhhh... No," Lucy whispered in response.

"Ah good!" He smiled, "I'm Natsu! Nice to meet ya."

Natsu placed his hand out for Lucy to shake. Lucy looked at his hand, deciding if she wanted to introduce herself to this strange boy or run back to the house. She had made her decision. Lucy took his hand and shook it.

"I'm Lucy," She smiled weakly. 

"It's great to meet ya, Lucy! Hey, can I call you Luce for short?" He smiled brightly.

Lucy nodded shyly, not really knowing how to act around this new 'friend' of hers. Natsu kept that same goofy smile on his face.

"Hey! I wanna show you something!" Natsu took her wrist.

Lucy looked puzzled at him, but Natsu pulled her away and back to the forest. Lucy tried to get her wrist away from Natsu, but his grip was tight. He smiled back at her, as Lucy smiled back. Natsu finally came to a stop, and Lucy looked around. It was a small opening in the thick forest, with rocks to sit on. One of the trees had a small little tree-house in it. Lucy looked at the tree-house, never seeing one before as she was curious about it.

"Why's your house in a tree?" She asked, densely.

"It's a tree-house silly! It's meant to be there!" Natsu chuckled.

"O-Oh" Lucy looked down, embarrassed.

Natsu smiled sweetly at the now embarrassed blonde, "Can we be friends?" he asked hopefully.

Lucy flinched at the sudden request, she really did want to have a friend like Natsu, "Yes" she smiled.

"Yay!!" Natsu cheered and pulled the blonde into a tight hug. Lucy laughed quietly and hugged him back.

The two kids hugged and played for what felt like forever. Lucy, unfortunately, had to leave Natsu and go home. Lucy said her painful goodbyes and promised Natsu she would come back tomorrow. And the next day. And the next.

This little friendship of theirs went on forever. Until Lucy's father got a call to move, Lucy tried to convince her father otherwise and try to stay so she could spend forever with Natsu. But that little dream didn't work out for Lucy, she was forced to leave and couldn't even say a word to Natsu about her moving because she was under strict watch and couldn't sneak out.

Lucy packed her things and sighed, she looked down at a little image of her and Natsu. A few tears fell down from her cheeks. She let more and more tears roll down her cheeks, she didn't want to leave this town. She wanted to stay and play with Natsu, run around in the meadows, play hide and sneak in his treehouse, tell each other funny secrets, and play their promise game. Lucy wiped her tears away and stuffed the picture of her and Natsu in her bag neatly, she grabbed her things and walked out of her room. She got into her father's car as she watched her beloved meadow wash away into nothingness as they drove away. All the years full of memories felt like they were for nothing.


Natsu walked to the meadow the next morning to meet with Lucy, he had a small gift for her and was extremely nervous to give it to her. Maybe he developed a little crush on her, he didn't exactly know. Natsu looked at the ground as he held the gift-wrapped neatly in a box, he squirmed nervously. 

After about an hour of waiting Natsu started to pace left and right, he was getting worried. He sat down on a rock and waited there for hours, staring at the grass and flowers. He was started to lose hope in Lucy, it hurt. Natsu refused to give up just yet, he slowly stood up and walked up to Lucy's home. Natsu peeked his head in the window to see nobody there. No furniture. No sign of even life. Natsu felt his heart shatter.

Lucy moved without telling him? How could a person be so cold?

Those were the only thoughts running through his mind at the moment. Until something strange washed through his brain. He flinched and looked around, he looked down and noticed a little gift box in his hands. He looked confused and walked back to where he knew was his home. Natsu didn't remember a thing about anything for the past two years.

Not even Lucy...

But Lucy never forgot her childhood friend...


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