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"Why do you keep doing it!" I cried. once again he came home drunk, he was throwing everything everywhere

"It's all because of you!" he yelled at me with his words slurred and I couldn't find one thing that made me happy about him at this point.

"all I do is try to make you so much happier," I cried again and I sniffed "and I try, i need you to stay and I-this isn't it"

He promised he would stop when we came back home from the yogurt place.

"Dammit Emma don't you see!" I couldn't see I was crying too much

"I just need you, you said you'd always be here" I cried sitting on the floor again

"I know I did!" he yelled out. he was alway an angry drunk but he was too angry tonight

"Why are you so angry tonight?" I looked up to him he was pacing around the room.

"My fucking turtle," he whispered, he was angry over a turtle?

"It ran away at age 7" he said, and I tried so hard not to laugh but it was way too funny. I was laughing and he just stared at as if I had broken his heart once again.

"You don't get it Emma!" he yelled exasperated putting his arms in the air

"But Calum my rabbit" I said in the middle if my giggle fit "it hopped away from me at age 6!"

"Emma," Calum pouted and I couldn't help but stop laughing because he sat down looking as sad as ever. I scooted closer knowing I went too far on this one.

"Come here," I said opening my arms "turtles are stupid" he was resting his head on my shoulder. he was beginning to say random jiberish drunk people said. and even though he came home drunk tonight I couldn't help but wonder. I'm in love with this stupid drunk and I guess I'm okay with that.

I'm in love.

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