Chapter Two

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Thomas wakes up to the noise of a door closing quietly and the wonderful smell of earth and what sunlight must smell like it it had a smell. Thomas basks in it with eyes closed and feeling warmth just from the smell, even though he knows his body is trapped in a dank and musky jail cell with no light other than that of dusty, old lightbulbs. When losing himself in the smell he can almost taste the vanilla, the flowers and fertilizer. The warmth, softness, the feel of home. If Thomas could fall in love with any smell, he knows that to be the one he loves most.

Thomas almost falls back asleep when he is surprised back into consciousness by the slamming of the heavy jail door that leads to the stairs down to the jail cells Thomas knows he is in. Thomas sits up on the floor and awaits whoever it is. Maybe it's Minho coming with more cards. Maybe he's brought Brenda with him again. It has been a couple days - maybe she isn't mad at him anymore. Maybe it's even this Newt Thomas hears so much about-

But once the figure turns round the corner Thomas can feel his stomach and mood drop considerably farther than the ground beneath him. It was the first werewolf face he woke up to; Gally, if Thomas remembers correctly. Thomas grumbles, already knowing today was going to be a stressful one.

Thomas hears Gally slowly walk over to the rusty chair Minho always sits in and the awkward scrap of the chair as it is pulled closer to Thomas's cell as the ground protests the movement. The chair creaks when the large lycanthrope slowly places himself on the smaller chair. The air is stiff and awkward, more so than it usually would be for Thomas and his captors.

Gally clears his throat, break in the silence, and Thomas glances at Gally out o the corner of his eye. The poor wolf looks more awkward than Thomas feels, and Thomas decides to give Gally a little bit of mercy. Thomas turns toward Gally, knowing he has something to say.

"Well-" Gally starts, clearing his throat again. "Sorry about the other day, greenie."

Thomas can tell he's not one for apologies, but can see the effort, and nods appreciatively. Gally notices this and they both decide to accept that this is the most they are getting from each other for a while; reluctant allies at most.

Nodding firmly, Gally stands back up. Thomas isn't really surprised; Brenda or someone must have put Gally up to coming down here and apologizing for Thomas's literal worst first impression ever. Now having done what he came to do, he must now be making his leave.

But then Gally - surprising Thomas greatly - pulls out a chain of keys and unlocks the cell doors holding Thomas in. For a quick second, Thomas thinks Gally is going to beat him up when Gally grabs his ankle but feels silly when he feels the chain go lose. Thomas runs at his sore ankle with a dropped jaw. Were they letting him go?

Gally must see the look of utter astonishment on his face and snorts. "Don't think we're letting you go greenie," Gally says as if he were reading Thomas's mind. "I was just sent to pick you up for brunch. Might as well get used to it here cause you aren't leaving anytime soon - at least, not on Jorge's watch."

Gally must not have meant for Thomas to hear the last part because he mumbles it so quietly, Thomas has to strain his ears to hear the words clearly.

Thomas scowls; now there's some 'Jorge' that he needs to be worried about along with this 'Newt' guy. And why won't they just get on with why they are keeping him here? If they're going to eat Thomas, why not do it it now - he's just getting skinnier without any blood to drink or meat to eat.

"Yea who is this Jorge anyways?" Thomas snarks. "And why does he want to keep me here? You gonna eat me?"

Gally snorts at that, so Thomas takes it far from the truth. Even though on the outside he acts like he doesn't care, a part of him just breathed a deep sigh of relief.

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