Chapter Three

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A scream rang out, breaking the peacefulness and playful banter going around the lunch table with Thomas, Teresa, Sonya, and Aris. Each of them shoot up and out of their seats, not knowing what just happened, but knowing it was something important.

Thomas and his friends go off into the direction of the scream, their limbs ripping through thorns and branches and leaves. They're all family here, no one gets left behind to be in pain while any of them can do anything about it.

It's only been a couple months since Thomas, Teresa and their mother, Mary, became vampires, so all of them were just a little too

clumsy with their limbs, they all pay too little attention to their application of strength. It's also only been a couple of weeks since Sonya snuck into Thomas's hammock, feeling bored and creating a strong friendship between the four vampires.

Whilst running through the woods surrounding their home, Thomas realizes that he has never been to this part of the woods and his curiosity flares. He looks over to Teresa and sees her looking up at the areas weirdly while running. Had she been here before.

"Thomas stop!" Aries's voice calls out, stopping Thomas split seconds before he could cross over into the opposite territory unknowingly. Thomas slides when he tries to stop too quickly and looks up to see what Aris was yelling about.

Thomas almost gasps at the sight; it was a whole new territory, with brighter colors and different plants. Everything looked different, like a whole new world.

"Werewolf territory," Thomas distantly hears Sonya whisper. "We better go back and alert Alby - the werewolves might be looking for a fight."

Thomas shakes his head, disagreeing despite knowing close to nothin about werewolves. He just has a feeling.

Thomas can see Aris nod at what Sonya was saying out of the corner of his eye. "Thomas, come on," Teresa says behind him but Thomas shakes his head.

"I'll be there in a second," he mumbles. He can hear Teresa sigh as she places a hand on his shoulder. "Just don't do something stupid like crossing the boundary, all right?"

Thomas nods while still watching the other territory. He heard Teresa's light footsteps on the ground before they disappeared entirely when she started to run.

Thomas just knows somethings out there, something that needs him.

That's when he hears the whimpering and the distilling leaves. Thomas's head perks up, and his eyes focus on a small part of the woods near the territory line; it was a werewolf.

Thomas gasps. He's never seen a werewolf, and is surprised at how normal it looks. It looks just like a human child. Thomas can see the look of fear in its eyes; fear of him.

That's when Thomas sees the bear trap wrapped around its ankle, the blood staining the small werewolf's skin and the ground surrounding it.

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