Match 2H

108 3 7

Rules are simple. Vote for the story below that you prefer. Story with the most votes will advance onto the next round. No voting for yourself (this includes creating or using alternate accounts), and no voting more than once on one match. If you have any questions feel free to message me.

Story 1:

They Always Bite | Mythago

After the Zombie Apocalypse, a zombie technician uncovers a conspiracy that links biotech companies with the global disaster.

Story 2:

Cyberlink Cove | ayzrules

If an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, does a life for a life make the whole world dead? Enter a small chain of islands located in the Caribbean in the not-so-far future that is controlled by a corrupt government: where the rich live extravagantly and the poor can barely afford to feed themselves as the powerful force heading the archipelago drives them to work like animals. Where only the strong dare to rise up and challenge the president and his system. But a spark is catching. The fire is spreading. Rebellion could very well become a possibility. People are angry and fed up with the government. Change is coming, and no one can hide from it; not even the most powerful person on the islands, President Kale Ross himself. And the rebels-or 'pirates'- are about to make him pay for what he's done. An oppressed population, a group of ragtag pirates, and a hell of a lot to plunder. Cyberlink Cove.

WATTPAD JULY 2014 READ OF THE MONTHWhere stories live. Discover now