The end of the book

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The knifes went around killing people so many people tht in a our it had killed half the staff. They were perfect for getting me what i wanted. I watched my mother sew me my Funeral gown and it was white so i made sure i got rid of it by tearing it right in fornt of my mothers face even though she knew it was me doing this she screamed. She then started to talk me "Bella i know its you and i'm sorry the book is stupid, and  love you more than anything but please stop doing this" she says.

My mother Crys and runs to her room. She yells at my father "we have to rip the book up it will stop all the madness that is going on and it will make Bellas Ghost happy." says my mother. "are you mad that book leads us." says my father "NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOO." my dauhgter died because of this book. She runs to the book and rips it up and throws it on the floor. She screams loudly and loudly and runs around the castle mad. She sees all the knifes alive and yells "STOP STOP STOPPPPPPP" The knifes stop and fall to the ground . She picks one up and screams and stabs her self. The knife falls out of her hand and she falls to the ground knowing she will join me.

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