vi. divine

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they say you're everywhere
that you love and care.
without you, this world
wouldn't have existed.
you reside in everyone's heart.
you help a lost soul
find it's way back home.
by your blessings, you
can cure even the deadliest disease.
and i agree.
i do believe that there is
some ultimate power that controls
the overall circle of life.
but i don't believe that
you can save me,
you can help me find peace.
you may be divine
but what about the lives you take?
and the millions hearts you break?
why do you have to take away so much
just to give back so little?
i'm not asking you to rain
all that i've ever wanted on me.
all i'm asking for is
not to snatch away the things
i already have- the things that
i hold so dear to my heart,
that if even a part of them is lost,
it feels as if i have
lost a part of my own heart!
i don't want anything from you,
i just want back what is mine-
everything that you've deprived me of.
i want each and every
part of my heart back
because i might as well join
the ramshackle portions again
than rot in this place without
anything to hold me back!
tell me, can you do that?
is it too much to ask for?!

- is it too much?

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