ix. frail

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it was happening again.
shrieks, clamours, murmurs filling the house and
high-pitched voices that could shatter the glass of the window pane.
mother yelped with disdain:
"Why do you always do this, you filthy louse?!"

it was the same old story.
father did something he was not supposed to.
mother had warned him beforehand that if it came to this, he'd not be excused by his pathetic sorry,
but would rather be stabbed in the heart with a dory.
father pleaded, "i know i've misdone but please hear me out, will you?"

the little girl was watching the whole scene unfold from afar.
a dreaded notion taking hold of her infantile mind,
she was cognizant that today will be father's doom, the moment he stepped out of the car.
it was evident from way they were trying to outdo each other in their spar.
she wished, "oh god, can i not cease this deplorable picture and rewind?"

how happy they used to be,
or was it all just a fallacy?
the little girl wondered, "if they separated, who will watch over me?"
it was the last nail in the coffin, that she could see
they will always be there for each other, that was the little girl's naive fancy.

little did she know how wrong she was,
for this was reality and no tale.
these vile thoughts crept into her head,
now she was nothing but a lost cause,
oh how she wished , even if it was for an instant, it'd all pause.
she whispered silently, "don't do this, father and mother. don't relinquish or i'll too cause i'm nothing but frail..."

• • • • • •

A/N : This was the first ever poetry written by me and I really hope that you guys will like it.

querencia.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz