Their Second chance

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It was a year after Elliot had left the squad, he lost his kids, wife and house. His life has been so tough he had turned to drinking. He drank so much he would blackout and wouldn't get home for hours, sometimes days. He couldn't keep track anymore. The only time he felt happy was when he would stand outside the squad room and run into Olivia, his former partner. He missed her so much, sometimes he could imagine himself kissing her and just holding her close. He missed her smile, her sent and everything about her. " Hey El, long time no see. Huh." Olivia said as she approched him outside the precinct. "Um... yeah...It's been awhile." Elliot said as he stood frozen in time. He hasn't spoken with her in so long that he had forgoten how her voice just made everything better. "Well the guys and I are all going out, would u like to come?... El are you listening to me?" Olivia asked with a confused expresion on her face. " Um... sorry I was..... Um I was... well you look good?" Elliot said with a slight tone of ashament in voice. "So are you going to come or not?" Olivia asked with a little snap. "Where? Sorry I wasn't paying attention." Elliot responded. "The guys and I are going out for a couple of drinks, do u wanna come with us? It would be great to catch up with everyone." Olivia said. " I don't think its so good for me too go." Elliot said. " Come on, El, it will be fun, just like old times. I haven't seen you in a while, i just wanna talk. What if we hangout, just the two of us? Would that be better for you?" Olivia asked hoping he would agree to one of the options. " Yeah... just us... It'll be good to talk." Elliot said as he and Olivia got into a cab and drove off.

At the restaurant Elliot and Olivia talked for hours. Elliot explained why he left and how hard it was for him to leave. He told her about Kathy and the kids. There was one thing he wanted to tell her but he couldn't, he thought she would be ashamed of him. He felt that he would be putting a burden on her shoulders. He couldn't do such a thing to a person he cares so much about. "Well I have to go, I have an early start tomorrow. I had so much fun El." Olivia said with her huge smile Elliot was longing to see. " I had fun too, maybe we can do this again. I miss talking to you Liv. I miss everything about us and the squad and my life, I want it back. Liv please help, I need help! I need you! I can't live without you, I just can't!" Elliot said as he began to cry harder and harder until he could say no more. "El its okay, I'm here. I never left, you did not me. I'll be here for you I promise, I won't ever leave you! I can't and I won't! let's talk tomorrow, you can come to my place after my shift around five, for dinner." Olivia said with so much passion and sympathy it made Elliot cry even more knowing he was being loved by his best friend, former partner, and the love of his life.

Their Second chanceWhere stories live. Discover now