On The Train Ride Home

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I was new to the city, I had decided to come and live alone. I was part of a team, I wouldn't necessarily call them my friends. I was still new, to everything pretty much. There was a position and I took it. Call it eagerness to get away from the place I was living in, my past wasn't talked about. 

I didn't have any reason or thought into letting people know much about me. There was a whole lot of truths to me that I wasn't willing to share with people, one they didn't need to know about my life or past. I was an enclosed person, open minded yes but not a shareable person. 

Anyways, I accepted the job, I love helping people and being able to help dead people in someway shape or form. I was in love with the paranormal, I was intrigued to know if there was another side to death. I wanted to keep doing what I loved, using my degree of knowledge to keep going seemed fit enough for this job.

I arrived at the city, I was accepted to a small apartment in New York. It wasn't cheap for sure, but for the use of it helped to get myself started with my life. Even if it meant eating from my bed was granted enough to escape from my old life. I got into a taxi and told them the directions of my new place, I was excited enough to say the least. 

I plugged in my earphones on to my laptop and started listening to music as I did research on the place I was going to investigate with my team. It was small but had said about a haunted history full of violence and inhumane things that were done in that place. I looked up the article on the house of death and it read that..

"Throughout the twentieth century, 14 West 10th was the site of several gruesome incidents, including a murder-suicide and the beating death of six-year-old Lisa Steinberg at the hands of her adopted father, prominent attorney Joel Steinberg, in 1987."

Knowing that little kids were involved was even more dark and gruesome than anything else. The long term of death and incidents makes it a much more gravitating place to be investigated. I shook my head and took the earphones off my ears and got out of the taxi before paying the man and making him keep the tip. Yes, I was broke and still let him keep the tip, he probably needed it more than I ever did. 

I walked into the building and up to my studio apartment, this building was known to rent their apartments to tourists or travel goers. It was a good way to make money despite it being very high on rent, they still loved the place.  

"OW!" one moment I was on standing on the ground and the next I was literally on the floor holding my head. 

"Shit!" the person quickly helped me up to my feet and I held on to them rubbing my head, "Ugh i might wake up with the bruise tomorrow." I said. 

"I'm so sorry I didn't know where I was going, are you okay?" I looked up seeing a man, he was sorta my height but a bit taller than me. He had no hair but had nice eyes and a goatee, really skinny. 

"It's fine, no worries I'm good." I said 

He let out a sigh, "at least let me help you, I can go and get you some ice for your head please." 

he looked at me with sad eyes, he felt bad. Even though I wanted to keep telling him I was fine, he wasn't going to let it go. I nodded giving him a small smile. 

"I'm [y/n] by the way at least." he smiled in return and shook my hand gently, "I'm aaron. Come on let me get you some ice for your head." 

He began to walk, and i followed beside him holding my bags. I was quite struggling after that collision and he offered to help me. I thanked him and followed him to his place.

"Are you new to the building or something?" he asked looking down towards me, I nodded. 

"I am actually, I just moved into the studio apartment. I was on my way when I accidentally collided into you." I said, I saw his face flush a color of pink looking embarrassed I chuckled lightly offering him a genuine smile. 

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