0.9 Is This Just Your Way of Saying You Hate Me?

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Lily sat on her bed while Artemis sat in a chair across from her. She had met Artemis earlier when Oliver and Bruce explained what had happened during the last mission. Apparently, Artemis had been the one who followed them and saved Wally's life. She had learned about Artemis' family and how the team wasn't supposed to find out about them. So Oliver had come up with a plan.

Artemis was now Oliver's niece. Lily's cousin.

Honestly, she was more believably Oliver's niece than Lily was.

The only problem was that Dick knew about Lily's family, and knew that she had no other relatives. But she didn't worry about it since she figured he would figure everything out about Artemis anyways.

After Lily had given her a rundown on everyone on the team, they headed to the cave with Oliver to introduce Artemis to the team. Dick had texted her earlier to say they went to the beach, so she was ready to fight him for going without her.

They were ready to introduce Artemis to the team members present when Wally decided to show up.

"The Wall-man is here! Now let's get this party star-" Before he finished his sentence, he tripped and dropped the beach ball and it bounced away.

"Wall-man, huh? Love the uniform, what exactly are your powers?" Artemis said with a smirk. Shadow had to bite her lip to stop from laughing.

"Uh, who's this?" Wally gestured at Artemis, clearly not liking how she embarrassed him.

"Artemis. Your new teammate."

"Kid Flash, never heard of you."

"Um, she's my new protégé." Oliver stepped in to try and stop the incoming argument.

"What happened to your old one?"

And as if by magic, Roy walked in wearing a new uniform.

"Well for starters, he doesn't go by 'Speedy' anymore. Call me Red Arrow."

"Original," Shadow coughed up, earning a glare.

"Roy, you look-"

"Replaceable." Roy finished his sentence with his own ending.

Lily wasn't sure why he was so pissed. He was the one who decided to leave them.

"It's not like that. You told me you were going solo." Oliver defended himself.

"So why waste time finding a sub? Can she even use that bow?"

"Yes, she can." Artemis got into your face.

"Who are you?" Wally asked again.

"I'm his niece." She said at the same time as Oliver explained it.

"Another niece?" Robin asked, amused.

Yeah, he knows. Lily assumed he'd already figured out what was going on.

"But she is not your replacement. We have always wanted you on the team, and we have no quota on archers." Aqualad assured Roy.

"And if we did, you know who'd we pick," Wally said.

"Um, am I included in this or is this your way of saying you hate me?" Shadow spoke up. Wally didn't reply and just glared at her for a moment.

"Whatever Baywatch, I'm here to stay."

"You came to us for a reason." Aqualad changed the subject before things could go further.

"Yeah, a reason named Dr. Serling Roquette."

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