Part 1

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Story starts from ragini accuses sanskar for molestation... Swara proved that sanskar is not guilty.. But in anger he went from there...Swara is waiting for sanskar. All others are also there.. After seeing swara is supporting sanskar sujatha likes swara like anything. Now she wants her as her bahu. She is also sitting there cursing ragini. Ap and Dp is angry with ragini because of this false accusations.. Laksh is thinking something deeply. He then slowly moves towards swara. Seeing this ragini gets tensed

Lak: swara, now I think u were saying correct about her.. I think she did something to u that day.. I want to trust you.. Plz forgive me... Then we will again become one..

Rag: but lakshji I didn't do anything. I did this because of jealous..

Ap: ha laksh.. How can u think like this? She won't do anything like this.. She did this because u didn't give any time for her. Now u r saying this??
Lak: stop it maa.. if she r a good girl then you wouldn't do this.. U wouldn't accuse my bhai.

Sw: what did you say, ur bhai... 😏😏😏 if u think that he is ur bhai... Then u wouldn't believe her.. But u are the first one who hits him.. What did u say forgive you and we will become one? 👿👿

At that time sanskar came there.. But no one noticed him.. He became shocked hearing her. He stood there..

Sw: u know what I don't love you

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Sw: u know what I don't love you. In fact I didn't love love you before too.. I won't never ever come back to u.. In fact I'm very much happy that I didn't marry you..

Sanskar's face lights up hearing this.. Not only his, but SujRamutt's face lights up...

Sw: I agreed to marry u because of this nagin only.. She is saying that you r good. Between us it's not a friendship but it's love.. But I understood that it was not love during our marriage days.. U want to know how? I will tell you.. Come sit here..

She dragged him and sit on the floor.. Everyone is looking at them only...

Sw: u know what is love? I got to know that when I first saw him... (sanskar, laksh, ragini and others shocked hearing this and started to think who is he) when I first saw him, I felt like something is coming from my abdomen to my heart.. My heart beat stopped for a second seeing him.. My heart was flying in air... (she said dreaming)

Laksh is sitting shocked. He thought she loves sanskar, but here she is saying that something else.. Sanskar is also shocked.. He can't leave her to his brother but here she saying something which he didn't think in wildest dreams.. A lone tear escaped from his eyes.. SujRamutt also felt bad for sanskar as they knew sanskar has some feelings for her

 SujRamutt also felt bad for sanskar as they knew sanskar has some feelings for her

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First Love (OS/TS)✔️✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang