"There's A First Time For Everything"-Chapter 3

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Next Morning/ Friday—7:30 am

"Rachieeeeeee," Jane sings as she stands above Rachel who was still asleep in her bed. "C'mon we have breakfast and training to go to."

Rachel groans and rolls over on the sheets, not wanting to get up at all.

"What time did you even sleep last night?" Jane asks before she walks out of Rachel's room.

"Too late," the forward grumbles without opening her eyes.

"You've got 15 minutes to make yourself presentable. Chop chop," Jane demands as she walks out of Rachel's room. "Or I'm making you driiiveee."

Rachel waits a minute or two laying down, just to savor the last moments in her bed before getting up. She goes in the bathroom to brush her teeth and fix herself up before proceeding to change into her training gear. The blonde undresses and looks at herself in the mirror, smirking as she sees her toned stomach. Her tan skin glowed under her black sports bra and she knew why girls found her attractive.

She grabs her #3 white top and matching orange shorts from her dresser and hastily puts both on. Deodorant. Check. Perfume. Check. Socks, shin guards, cleats. Check. Before leaving the room, she quickly fixes her bed, picks up her drawstring bag, and takes her phone from the night stand. She jogs through the hall until she gets to the living room where Jane was sitting down on the couch watching a program on TV. Relief came over the goalkeeper as she sees Rachel up and ready on time.

"New record, good job," Jane shuts off the TV and grabs the car keys from the counter.

"This sort of beauty doesn't take long," Rachel grins jokingly and Jane fake gags. "Can't mess with perfection too much."

They both walk out of the apartment that they shared and out into the parking lot where they get inside Jane's car.

"Another day......Another practice, ain't that right Janeyy," Rachel chirps as she straps on her seatbelt.

Jane turns on the engine, "You know it."

As they drive to the training facility, they went on to talk about the most random things.

"So tattoos......trying to go Ashlyn Harris level or are you keeping it to the minimum? Well I doubt you aren't getting a lot more in the future," Rachel turns her head to Jane and the goalkeeper keeps her gaze out on the road in front her.

"I'm trying to keep everything above my waist at the moment. It'd be nice to get more but I don't really know what to get. It would need to have meaning to it because I don't want just some random things inked on me."

"Get one of my face, you'd truly enjoy that I bet," Rachel suggests, smiling.

"I'd rather have 'no ragrets' tattooed across my forehead before I ever get one of you," Jane laughs.

"To this day, I still find it hilarious how they made you cover up your forearms for the whole NCAA tournament."

"It was like a hundred degrees out and I was legit always the only one wearing sleeves during press conferences, during games, or even at practice. I thought it was stupid but it makes sense."

"What made you want to get them that early??"

Jane shrugs, keeping both hands on the wheel, "Don't know. I've always thought they were pretty cool."

"Eh can't argue that."

"The real question I should be asking you is why you would get a matching tattoo with someone you aren't married to you," Jane snickers. "You and Christen broke up like a week after too!"

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