"This Was All Your Idea"-Chapter 6

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"It's like in 5:00 in the morning," Rachel grumbles as she rolls over the comforters on her bed, "Couldn't you have waited at least 3 more hours to wake me up?" The forward smacks her face down on to the pillow.

Kristie rolls her eyes as she walks over to the window and draws the curtains, revealing the bright sun outside. Rachel turns her head around and screeches as the light beam hits face, immediately covering her eyes.

"Maybe if it wasn't so damn dark in here, you'd know that the sun is already out and it's a quarter to 9," Kristie informs, propping her hands on her hips.

Rachel lays on her back with her eyes still closed, groaning,"As much as I don't mind seeing you right now, it's our day off. What are you doing here so early and how the heck did you get in??"

Right on que, a goalkeeper's voice echoes from the kitchen, "Is she awake now?!!"

"Did you forget Jane lives with you?" Kristie raises an eyebrow.

"Hmmm right," Rachel replies groggily, not moving from her position on the bed. "She does."

"Anyways, I'm giving you an hour to get ready because I'm taking you out today on a date."

At the mention of 'date', Rachel's heavy eye lids shot open as she peers over to her teammate, "What? A date??"

Kristie chuckles as she makes her way towards the door, "I knew that'd grab your attention."

"Wait, were you joking orrr??" Rachel now sat up, using her arms as support.

The older Mewis sister leans her shoulder on the door frame, crossing her arms across her chest, "Hanging out.............date...... same difference," she shrugs. "We're adventuring today and I have a lot planned for the both of us so you better get your ass off that bed and into the shower. You have till 9:45."

Rachel rubs her eyes before swinging her legs off the bed, "Woe since when did Miss Krissy become so bossy?" She adds with a smirk.

"Oh by the way, you don't need to wear anything fancy schmancy. Wear something comfortable and casual since we'll be doing a lot of walking."

"So basically what I wear everyday?"

"Hm yeah pretty much," Kristie smiles
before walking out of Rachel's room, leaving the English forward to get ready.

Jane cranks her neck to make sure she hears the bathroom door close before handing Kristie a cup of coffee.

"So you're 100% sure she hasn't been to that specific boardwalk before?"

Jane gives her a look that told her if she asked one more time, she would about lose it, "I bet you, she hasn't even heard of any of the places you're taking her to and she's been living here for 3 years. You don't have to worry about anything, just have fun."

"These past couple weeks she's spent so much time trying to win over my forgiveness, I think it's only right if I should do something for her." Kristie tells the Stanford alumni, "I mean I already told her everything is fine between us and spending the day with her will help us get to know each other better."

"Yeah, I think it's a good idea," Jane concurs, setting her coffee on the dining table before taking a seat.

"Only good?? Not great???"

The younger player gives her an 'are you kidding' look, "C'mon Kristie, it's Rachel. We all know as long as she gets to hang out with you, she'd be happy. You two can go to a dentist appointment together and she'll come back here and tell me it was one of the most fun things she's done in her life."

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