the beginning

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A\N- hey guys this is only my second story, so please don't judge if I get things wrong. This story will be told in various points of view, mainly by Veronica and Vyropia. Please tell me if you like the story... thank you for reading, lovelies. I'm gonna let you get straight into the story. Enjoy!!!

Vyropia's P.O.V
3 years earlier...
I can't find Veronica anywhere, she was walking home with Jack and Lucy, while I was walking with Hayden and Toby.

I'm worried about her because 1. She's usually home first because she takes the shorter route and 2. I found her bag at the end of the street, she doesn't go anywhere without her bag, it has every thing she needs in it, including her pepper spray- which was in the middle of the road. Half used and it was fifteen feet away from her bag. Not normal.

I know something's wrong, I can feel it. I called Jack and Lucy and they haven't seen her since they went home, and she hasn't contacted them at all.
My twin is in trouble, I can feel it. But I don't know what happened or where she is. And don't know how to help.

My sister has been taken. And I intend on finding her.

Two weeks later...

I don't know what to do anymore, two weeks. It's been two weeks and still no sign of my sister. I don't know what to do, I can't eat, I can't sleep. I need my sister.

It's half way through the night, I'm only just managing to nod off. I think about what my sister must be going through when I suddenly wake up screaming, my chest burning and my whole body aching. I know straight away, it's not me, it's what my sister's feeling.

My parents come running into my room and hug me to their chest, trying to calm me down. My mom quickly asks me what's happening, "shhh, what's wrong? Are you okay?"She asks in a hushed voice.

I sob into my dad's shoulder and look into my mom's eyes, " I-i-it's n-not m-me! I-it's R-Roni" I get out between sobs." M-mom, she's a-alive!" 

After I say that, I get a quick flash of what my twin is seeing. Call it twin intuition or whatever you want to, but I know what I'm seeing is where my twin sister is.
The walls are dark grey with peeling red paint. I'm tied to a chair in a massive room, there are huge wooden doors leading into the room, with two big Windows on either side of the room. Out of one of the Windows I can see a river, with a well not too far down. The place looks like an abandoned factory in the middle of the woods.

I can hear him coming back the bratz man, I call him that cause he says that I look like one of the bratz, which is disturbing. I drop my head so I'm looking at the floor when he walks in. I watch as blood drips down my face and onto the floor from a deep gash in my forehead.
Drip,drop, drip, drop. When I hear his voice it makes me cringe.

I try to focus my hearing on any other sounds, which is practically hard, considering the room is pretty silent, except for his voice and a few other sounds in the background.
He lifts my face so that I'm looking him in the eyes, and asks, "I'm gonna ask one more time, Where is the money?"

My eyes snap back open and when I look around, I'm not in my room anymore. No. I'm in the police station?
Why am I in the police station?
Suddenly a police officer walks over to me with my parents. "Hi there, young lady. My name's officer Parish, I'm gonna help you find your sister."

After about six hours of work, we finally located my sister, The SWAT team were going to move in, in about 10 minutes. They brought me with them so that when we find my sister I can calm her down and help her get out.

When we burst through the doors, I straight away saw that it was a gang that had taken her. My heart sank as I saw which gang, The Night Reapers. And the first person I saw was Liam, my ex. I mean, how could he?

As soon as the gang saw us burst down the door, there was a stand off. I couldn't even process what was going on when someone threw a knife and it embedded itself right in the wall next to my head, inches away from my face.

As the knife wizzed past my head, I jumped and screamed, turning to look at it.
As I saw the guy who threw it, his lips tilted into an evil smirk as he spoke, "well, you must be the sister, we were getting prepared to come and get you. But I guess you just waltzed in to get your sister. You should really know, you just signed your own death certificate." He said in a dull, almost strangled voice.

I couldn't help but flinch at his words. Then suddenly Liam turned to the guy. "What?!? Paul, you said the girl downstairs was a crazy idiot who owed you money!" Liam screamed in anger. The guy just shrugged and turned back to look at me. Liam suddenly let out a battle cry before jumping on the dude, pinning him down and hitting him in the face with such force, I swear I heard the guys nose break. Ouch.

Before I know it, I'm being pulled down the hall. I look up to see officer Parish, he looks down and says, "we to find your sister, now, while they're all distracted."
We come to these huge wooden doors and push them open.

I look around the room to see if I could find my sister. I'm about to give up when a man steps out of the shadows, with a fragile and terrified Veronica shaking in his arms while he held a knife to her neck.

He spoke with a hideous grin. "You shouldn't have come here, officer, you're just going to get two girls killed. Do you really want that on your conscience?" He says, completely unaware that I stole officer Parish's spare gun and crept around behind him. I hit him as hard as I could on his pressure point, he was instantly out cold.

When he fell, so did my sister. I quickly catch my sister and look up to see officer Parish giving me a 'good job' look.
We quickly get her out of here and into a hospital.

Three years later

I'm getting wheeled into a room, I watch as the white ceiling tiles pass my vision.
I turn my head to the side and see my sister looking at me.
"I'm scared" Veronica mouths to me. I mouth back "I know, I know. It's gonna be okay." I see a single tear slid down her cheek.

Then we get wheeled in different directions. I don't know what will happen in those rooms. But I know it won't be good.
Then I black out.

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