the chase begins

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Veronica's P.O.V

I wake up in bed, having a cold sweat. My limbs are aching and I feel like someone's set fire to my skin. Well, that was one hell of a bad dream.

I quickly run into my sister's room and see her laid on her bed, holding her head and groaning. Before I can even talk, she says to me, "ughhh, man I had one hell of a nightmare, now I feel like I'm drowning. Ahhh, my head, I think I need some pain killers" she complains.

I roll my eyes at her. "Get over yourself." I comment, before I get all bossy on her. "Now get your lazy butt off your bed before I drag you out- wait... What nightmares?" I quickly poke my head back into her room. She quickly shoots up, so she's sat on her bed, facing me.

She takes a deep breath, before speaking. "I dunno, it was like crazily scary and weird." She looks out of the window before looking back at me. "It was there were these people in masks and I was being drown in a-" I cut her off before she could finish.

"In a lab, and we were being experimented on" I finish for her. Her face turns a ghostly pale. "Wha-what, how did you? Ok, if you drugged me, I'm so gonna beat you up."

I roll my eyes at my sister's childish behaviour. "Uhh, how about I had to same dream. Duh."

Her jaw instantly drops. She doesn't even need to ask the question she's about to. I nod my head. "Yeah, I had the same dream, except I was getting burned, not drown. Literally set on fire, by a bunch of creeps in masks." I shudder at the memory.

My sister instantly jumps out of bed and runs to her closet. She runs around the room, arms flailing and whisper shouting, "omg. What if it was real. No! I'm too young to die! Ahhh. WHAT IF SOMEONE'S WATCHING US?!?!" The last part she more of yelled at me

Why must she be so dramatic? As she was about to yell some thing else at me, I decided to say some thing to her. "Shut up." I said so bluntly and emotionally, neither of us recognized my voice.

She squinted at me and shut her mouth straight away. I do the zip it lock it and throw away the key sign and she copies it. I smile at her. "Good. Now get dressed, we're going out. Oh and wear something warm."

I walk out of the room and hear her mumbling something.

About 5 minutes later...

I swear if she doesn't hurry up, I'm gonna strangle her.

Like, what's she doing, curling her hair or something?

When I hear the stairs creak, I turn around.

I give her a look that she knows means 'what the hell is the matter with you and why do you take so long?' A look she knows all to well.

In reply she whisper shouts, " I went to go see if the house keys were still in our rooms, but noooo, mom and dad decide to steal them and hide them from us. All because SOMEONE *cough cough, you cough cough* gut us expelled." The last part, she doesn't even try to keep her voice down, giving me judgy eyes.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. The teacher shouldn't have called me dumb." I say in defence.

She raises an eyebrow. "You? He called me dumb, not you. And who the hell punches a teacher cause they called their twin dumb?"

I smile widely. "Me. That's who. And we have the same IQ. Duh."

Awww, she looks so annoyed. She looks like she could strangle me. I'm not too bothered though, she won't do nothing.

I looked at my sister and rolled my eyes. She was wearing a light blue belly top, blue jeans, heeled trainers and a denim jacket. I was wearing a red crop top, black jeans, heeled trainers and a leather jacket. Both our hair was down, hers curlyer than mine with blond streaks running through it.

She decides to finally break the silence. "Soooo? How are we gonna get out? And where are we going?"

I look at her and the corners of my lips begin to tilt up into a smirk.

"What? What's so funny?" She expels at me.

"We're gonna climb out the window." I tell her and she immediately begins to smile.

When we were younger, we used to sneak out the house through the Windows all the time. Whether it be to go hang out with friends (or boyfriends), or if we just wanted to get away from reality, we still used to sneak out.

I roll my eyes as she starts fist bumping the air. I have such a weird twin.

"We use my car!" I exclaim in a whisper, already running up the stairs.

"Hey, no fair." She begins to whine behind. I roll my eyes at her attitude.

We jump out the window, with surprisingly little trouble, and run into the gararge.

I immediately jump in my silver and black Lamborghini that has a red rim around the edges.

As we pull out of the driveway, I see a black van parked at the end of the street, positioned so that they can see straight into my bedroom. Creeps.

As we drive down the street, I look out of the rear view mirror, and surprise surprise, the black van jolts to life and begins following us. I instinctively pick up speed, and as I do, so do they.

As I try to loose them, they keep catching up. By now I'm going well over 80mph. I can feel the tension in my twins muscles. She's terrified.

The dude in the van just keeps chasing us, and as he does, only one thought comes to mind.

So the chase begins.

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