Force of Nature - Part 1

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He just kept cropping up. Liam. Everywhere. At random points in the last few years. I mean honestly. The last couple years of school I was sat next to him in lessons we never had together before.

I'd catch him outside of school too. At the pub, at the boardwalk. Everywhere. And now, even after he's travelling the world with his band, he's still just everywhere.

Over this period of time we have developed somewhat of an understanding. The oh so noble tradition was sparked one night at the local. I was tipsy and lonely. Bored and somewhat envious of my friends dating lives. When who should turn up but the one and only Liam Gallagher. Truthfully I had always found Liam attractive, but not in my conventional way. I had a type you see. Dark hair, well groomed, intelligent and muscular man. A tall order I am aware.

And then there was Liam. Sure he had the dark hair but it was messy and unkempt. He was cocky, and not academically inclined. He wasn't pudgy but he wasn't muscular either. He was Liam. Liam Gallagher. And a mystery to me.

But when he had swaggered his way over and asked me if I would join him in a leisurely dance on the bar, and i, every so desperately agreed, it was then that he was no longer a mystery.

"What?!" He laughed slightly, confused

"I said yes! What you waiting for?"

He looked taken aback but soon plastered the signature cocky smirk on his face and took my hand, dragging me to the bar.

"Shirt on or off?" I giggle.

He raises his eyebrows at me. "You done this before love?"

I laugh at my impulsiveness "Nah. Nothin like me"

He smirks and leans close to my ear "S'alriggt love. I'll look after ya"

He sends me and wink and then hops onto the bar holding out a hand for me to join him. I take it and clamber clumsily onto the bar. Unfortunately it was so clumsily that I fell and pushed him off the bar.

I held my hand over my mouth as I watched him hit the floor like a sack of shit. "Fuck I'm so sorreh"

I say leaning over to hold out my hand, I lost my balance and landed straight on top of him.

Basically. It was a disaster. That's what happens when I'm slightly pissed. At any rate, after that night I barely spoke to him. We went back to being barely aquatinted strangers.

There was something else about that night though. I felt as though I'd known him for years. And like I wanted nothing more than to be near him. It was also the night that developed our understanding.

Our little, unspoken agreement was that I was, I'd say booty call but it wouldn't be quite accurate enough. We would never call after one another. Never search for one another, only hook up when we just happened to run into eachother. And we seemed to only hook up after hours of being together in some way. Whether it be just sitting in silence, asking deep meaningful questions about life or getting completely off our faces.

But whatever those hours consisted of they all had 2 things in common. 1. Liam Gallagher and 2. The best hours of my life.

My friends aren't too keen on him to say the least. "He's using you." "He doesn't care"  "why do you let him treat you like that?" Blah blah blah. It's safe to say I don't give a shit what other people think of me. Or my relationship with Liam Gallagher. However tenuous and strange that relationship may be. 

He's using me yes. But I'm using him too. And surely all 'proper' relationships are just people using eachother. For sex and stability right? So what gives you the right to criticize how I like to be treated and my relationship?

Liam Gallagher One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now