Pastry - smut

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I slip on my stone Rose's t shirt, tucking it into my tight jeans. Sighing, I tuck my hair behind my ear and look at myself in the mirror.

I put my necklace on and slip on my tatty old converse before heading downstairs. I make myself some breakfast and grab my bag, attempting to head out the door. Only its blocked by my mother.

She eyes me up and down "And where exactly do you think you're going?"

I roll my eyes "out" I say simply as I attempt to pass her.

She moves in front of me again. "Dressed like that? And to meet who?"

"Dressed like a normal person yes. And I'm going to meet a friend" I sigh trying to push past her

She doesn't budge "a boy?"

I roll my eyes again "yeah. It's one if my hobbies to go out and get pregnant you know how I am"

She gasps and I take the opportunity to push past her. She continues to shout at me following me down the street. After a while she gives up and I find myself wandering the heath.

Not paying attention to where I'm going I end up bumping into someone. I knock his sausage roll out of his hand and it hits the floor.

He groans and I wince at the site of the Gregg's packet on the floor. "Worst sight in the world tha'. I'm so sorreh."

He looks up at me and I finally see his whole face. Not my type but my God is he good looking. I feel my cheeks heat up at the thought. "I can get you another one if ya want? I was headin that ways" I say gesturing.

He's still just looking at me. I feel a blush creep onto my face. "Yalrigh'?"

He shakes his head "Sorreh. Bit...spacey's yanno like"

Ah. I laugh and nod "gotcha. Well dya want me to get you another? I'm eadin that way like"

He looks down at the pastry and then back to me "yeah sound "

"So what's ya name?"

"Liam. What's yours?"

"Lucy" I smile

I glance up to his face and notice his eyes had been resting on my chest for a while. But just as I began to think the worst of him.

"I like your shirt. You a big Rose's fan?"

I tuck my hair behind my ear suddenly aware of my appearance. "Yeah actually. Got this at spike Island actually. Yourself?"

"Really? What a fuckin gig man. Weird though" He pauses

I raise an eyebrow

"Would have thought I would have remembered a face like yours"

I blush slightly "that was pretty cheesy"

He shrugs and blushes slightly "dont you like cheese"

I laugh slightly "touche"

We wander down a couple streets before we reach a greggs. I walk in and pay for 2 sausage rolls and head back out again to see Liam leaning against a wall smoking a ciggy.

I hand him his sausage roll and smile slightly. He looks incredible. The sun bouncing off of that sculpted face and the way his shirt hangs loosely off of his shoulders. There's something incredibly sexy about him. Something different than the guys I normally find myself attracted to.

"I was just gonna head back to mine, smoke some more weed and listen to music. Dya wanna come with?"

I smile widely and try to downplay my excitement. He just described my perfect afternoon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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