chapter 7-Fighting And Drugs

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I was still copeing with the whole finding drugs thing. Why would she need or better yet why would you have them?

I had found them last night and hadn't been able to sleep. Should I call Niall? Kate still hasn't been home.. This about a 2 day disapperrence and with her doing drugs or selling them, this can't possibly be good. I layed on the soft, dark red couch with pain. Oh shit, why am I feeling bad for her again? Shitty women careness, shitty mom, and shitty drugs...

I decided to call Niall, he could help.

''Hey'' I spoke with a quiet tone.

''Hey love! How are you?'' He sopoke with his regular, cheery tone. I couldn't break down on him.. But I might end up doing just that.

''Not good Niall. Are you busy?'' Holy shit I basically just invited Niall to come over...

''Of course Blake. I'll be right there.'' Niall's voice softened. After he said that I hung up.

Quickly, I decided to grab something to eat. I searched in the cabinets.. More drugs. When I mean more, I mean a whole shit ton more. Why does this shit have to happen to me.....

I put the drugs where I found them. Slowly, I went back to my original spot on the sofa. I covered myself with the blanket hanging over the couch. I wrapped myself up in it and just waited to hear Niall knock.

About ten minutes later Niall knocked on the door. I quickly sprinted to the door. I saw a sad faced Niall. He looked into my eyes. I probably looked like shit and mascara was probably on my face from some of the tears I shed. But the funny part about it all was I didn't care. Niall felt like home. He gave me a tight long hug after he shut the door.

''C'mon lets sit on the couch.'' Niall suggested. We sat down and I layed my head in Niall's lap. ''What's wrong Blake?'' Niall asked.

Niall mess with my curly blonde hair. ''Kate, my biological mom I was telling you about?'' He nodded. ''Well I f-f-found d-drugs..'' I stuttered through cries. ''Lots of them, and she hasn't been here in like two days..''

I cried while holding onto Niall, he kissed my head and kept playing with my hair. ''Hey, hey. Sshh. It'll be okay. I bet she has a boyfriend or something and is staying or there okay? I bet she is fine.''

Niall comforted me softly. I've never seen him like this. Being so soft and comforting but I loved it. I loved this. Oh gosh, it's that damn word again.. ''This''..

Niall probably has been here for over an hour. Comforting me and listening to me cry. I called him about 10, I should probably let him go back to his falt, but I didn't want him to leave. ''Niall thank you for being here, but i'll let you go back to your flat.'' I sighed as I sat up.

"No, no, no. I want to stay if that's okay with you..'' Niall had a sad look on his face and i gave in immediatly.

''Okay, I wanted you too anyways.'' I felt safe with him here. It was comforting.

I slowly drifted off to sleep in Niall's arms....

-The next morning-

I woke up in Niall's arms. He had a tight grip on me and I woke up as soon as he did.

''Good morning Beautiful.'' He said ''beautiful'' as if it was my name. It made me smile.

''Good morning Handsome.'' We both smiled at each other.

''So I have a proposition for you.'' I looked at him waiting for him to finish his sentence. ''How about until Kate comes home I'll stay here with you.. If you'd like.''This boy was absolutely perfect.

''Yes, I'd love that, but can we clear one thing up?'' I blushed.

''Okay anything.'' He looked worried..

''Is this a relationship or not?'' His face was relieved.

''Defiantly, if that's okay with you..'' Niall blushed.

''Of course..'' Niall gave me a slight kiss on the cheek.


What do y'all think?

Beware next chapter is drama-fied omg.

ily guys. FEEDBACK & VOTES help a ton!

Enjoy reading.


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