Chapter 1-The bet

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Hi, CiCi said Maria (Hold on Maria and Cici are best friends) Stacy,Tanya,and A'naya all walk up to CiCi and slam her Locker ugh

"If its isn't the hole I was smelling''.

"CiCi roll her eyes and said and it's isn't the girl with pepperoni nipples''.

Matthew walked in before Stacy can say anything They walk away from CiCi and watch him walk to his locker. Everyone in the school started  to watch him but CiCi didn't like him. He started to giving Flyers out to people for his party next week. He try to gave  one to Cici but she won't take it. Matthew told CiCi u sure cause it's going be the lityyy party ever CiCi annoying him and walked away.
Matthew walk up to two of his friends and ask

"who was that".

" oh that CiCi Don't what to mess with her".

Matthew look at her with a confuse face then one of his friends bet him if u could get her to fall in love with him then broke her heart they gave him 50 bucks . Matthew never turned down a bet in his life so Matthew agreed to do the bet and if he lose he had to run in public naked. Matthew agree to it

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