chapter 3-Cici pov

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Matthew Died to me

CiCi and Matthew known each other since they were 5.They grown up together until one day Matthew had to leave cus  his father was offer a job in new Orleans. Matthew and CiCi was pretty upset (but that not why CiCi mad at him)

                    10 years later

When Matthew had came back CiCi still live there. When CiCi saw Matthew she couldn't believe it she was so happy when she went up to him he had a couple of friends. Matthew was not how he was before  he now  tease and bully her with his friends until High School Matthew left her alone he forgot all about her and she never talked to him since. CiCi wish she had never met him.

  Until now he what to talk to her and CiCi known something up and she had to get to the bottom of it

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