chapter 7- Detention

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"Ok Class this is Detention there is no talking, Eating,  playing,  standing, and phones''.  said Ms. P

" Now is there anything question''. said Ms. P

"Yes when do we leave''.

" At 5:00''said Ms. P


" Now class give in all yours phones''.

(As the teacher when around taking our phones I thought to myself all I was going to do is seat down and not move but that all changes after I saw who came through that door)

Mr. Matthew what a surprise. Take a seat''.

" Umm.  Mrs. Peppermint why is he here''

"He have Detention like all of you''.

" Now class Detention is now begin''.

               Matthew and CiCi chat


" Yoo''

"Yoo Cici''

" I'm trying to ignore you''.

"Well you not ignore me now''.

" Tell me something. Why are you  stalking me??

"I'm not''

"Then why everywhere I'm at you are there''

"Ms. Wright and Mr. Matthew no talking''

" Yes ma'am (we both said at the same time) 

                                                                          After Detention 

''Wait up''.


"Look I know you Don't like me but let me just get you a drink we don't have to talk".


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