Finding Out

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A/N- Hey guys, this is my first book so if it sucks don't judge me 😜. I hope you enjoy!


"Ugh" I groan.

A voice from the other room yells "It's time to wake up Kristen. You don't want to be late on your last day of school, do you?"
It's my mom.

I shut off my alarm and sleepily climb out of bed.

I go to the bathroom, take a quick shower and brush my teeth. When I get to my room I change into my favorite jeans and a white t-shirt. I let my hair down and grab my jean jacket as I leave the room.

When I walk into the kitchen I see my mom and my new stepdad talking in hushed voices. My mom has a concerned look on her face.

When they finally notice that I came in the room they greet me and discard any doubts that they might've had.

I grab a bowl, a box of cereal, and some milk. My stepdad inches towards me. "Kristen, we have something to tell you. I got a phone call last night from my boss and he has reassigned me to a project in Florida, and your mom has agreed to move there with me so that means you're coming too!" I try to process everything he is saying. "WHAT!!! I CAN'T MOVE TO FLORIDA. What about school, my friends, everything?!"

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