New Hope???

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A/N: Hiii! Sorry for not posting in such a long time, it's just I've been so bisy with school. I hope you enjoy this new chapter and sorry that it's so short but I'll be posting the next chapter soon :).

8:30 AM

As I walk to school, a million thoughts race through my mind. "How am I gonna move to Florida? I don't wanna leave my whole life behind! Oooh How OH I'VE GOT IT! I CAN ASK ELIZABETH IF I CAN STAY WITH HER FOR NOW!!!"

Heres a little background info on E. Sawyer. We've known each other since kindergarten and have been best friends ever since. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. She's kinda the perfect one. Me...I'm just all over the place. She prefers it when I call her Lizzie but sometimes I call her by her full name to annoy her xD.
Oooh here she comes.
"Heyyyy I can't believe it's already the last day of high school! It feels like it went by so fast. I'm gonna miss this school, and everything about it....except maybe the homework," said Lizzie who smiled casually. "At least I'll still see you since we're going to the same college and all."
"Yeah I'm sad too, I kinda don't wanna leave. Everything just seems so real now...and about the college thing...that might not be possible," I replied.
"What!!! WHYYY???"
"Well..." and I explained the whole thing to her. " that's why I need a place to stay so that maybe I could still have a chance to go to Yale without spending so much money on dorming. I was going to ask if I would maybe be able to stay with you, since your parents are getting you an apartment. And don't worry, if I do, I would help pay the rent! So...what do you say?"

"Oh I'm really sorry Kristy but I don't think you'd be able to stay with me since my parents decided that they aren't getting an apartment for me anymore. They thought that it would be safer for me to live on campus so I got a dorm instead. I'm so sorry, I wish there was a way for you to stay."

The tiny shrivel of hope that I had before had disappeared the moment I heard those words, and I was back to square one. I hate to admit it, but I guess I'll have to go to Florida now...

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