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(A/N: Hey guysss. I'm so sorry that I took so long to post this new chapter, I've just been really busy with school and other stuff. Also I'm really sorry that this chapter is so short but don't worry because I hope to make my next chapter longer and it'll be coming soon. Definitely before the new year xD. Hope you guys like this new chapter. -kathy)

8:50 AM

I was really stressed out after I found out that I would be going to Florida after all. I mean how would that even work? How would I be able to go to my dream college if my parents don't want me to be far away from them, and it's too late now to apply to any more schools.

Just then, I remembered being accepted to this other really nice school I liked: the University of Miami. I read about it before and it has good writers programs and it's in Florida which fits my requirements heh. Well I turned them down before, so I guess that ideas in the trash. Oooh wait maybe I can call and schedule an appointment since we'll be there in about a week. Yeah ok I've got this!

"Ms. Greene," said Mr. Maxwell, "will you be joining the class in picking up their report cards?"
"Yes sorry I just got a bit distracted," I replied. I went to the principals office and asked Ms. Smith, the secretary for my report card. She asked for my name, then handed it to me. On the last day of high school we don't really do anything, seniors just pick up their stuff and ditch since classes end two weeks ahead. I guess I'll do that too with all my best friends so I'll have a chance to say bye.

9:00 AM

"Hey Kristen!" A voice I recognized greeted me from behind. I turned around and saw a lock of light brown hair. It was Caleb.

"Caleb! Hi," I shouted back in response.

Caleb Matthews is one of my best friends. He has always been there for me no matter what. We grew up together, he even lives right next to me. Hm I guess it's kinda like all those stories you hear about the girl liking the boy next door because I used to have a major crush on him. I got over it but he's still my number one choice if I had to date someone....don't tell him I said that. He'll hold it over my head forever.

"Where've you been? I've been waiting for 15 minutes already...we all have."

"What do you mean you all have?" I peered over his shoulder and saw Lizzie, Mary, Jo, Noah, and my sister Katherine in Caleb's car.

"Hop in. It's time to celebrate the last day of high-school!"

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