What Could've Been

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A/N: Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long I've just been busy but I tried to make this chapter a little longer than usual so enjoy :)

9:35 AM

"Hey Caleb where are we even going!" I called out. "We've been driving around for half an hour now. I'm surprised we still haven't gotten to where you wanna be yet."

"Oh relaxxx, you'll see when we get there," said Noah from the backseat.

"Yeah loosen up Kristy, just wait till we get there you'll be so happy," Katherine remarked.

"Ok, ok jeez. Maybe next time I could ask a question without being judged," I whispered under my breath.

10:35 AM

For the rest of the car ride, we had all just played some car games, gossiped, and turned the volume of the music up so high that a police car literally stopped us and gave us a warning for it. Thank god though, my ears almost popped sitting with these loud asses. It was a pretty uneventful morning so far, but I'm sure things will be getting more interesting by the minute. Especially since...we're finally here!

The car rolled to a stop in our newly found parking space.

"Finally," I said. "How long has it been?"

"Uh I think about an hour," recalled Mary.


"Yeah there was a lot of traffic," said Caleb, looking a bit embarrassed.

"Where are we though," I wondered. I turned around and saw a big sign the said Dave & Busters.


"Yeah we thought you would," said Jo and Noah at the same time. They both chuckled. Jo blushed.

"Oooh sooo when's the first date guys?" I winked at the both of them. Jo's face reddened more.
"Shut uppp."

Hmmm I've always thought they would go cute together....maybe they really would date one day. It's sad to know that I probably wouldn't be able to see the day that they actually get together. Oh while I'm that subject, I wonder when I should tell them about me moving by next week. I don't want to ruin our fun right now so maybe after we leave D&B. Plus, I feel like they would be mad at me somehow....I guess I'll just have to see-

"Kristen? Kristen!" This voice came from Mary and it broke me out of my daze. "Come on! Time to go in."

"Ok, ok I'm coming."

10:45 AM

Immediately when we stepped in loud noises filled my ears. "The games," I thought. We walked to the bowling area and decided we would eat and bowl first and play games after.

When they asked for our shoe sizes we were all a size 6 1/2 except Caleb who was an 8 and Noah who was a 7 1/2.

My sister, Katherine, started putting all the names in the system computer thingie so that it would record our scores. Here was the list:
1st: Kristin (me)
2nd: Caleb
3rd: Katherine
4th: Lizzie
5th: Mary
6th: Jo
7th: Noah

"Awww why do I have to be last," whined Noah.

"Cause no one likes you, now shut up," says Katherine as she flashes him a smile.

"Damn Katherine you're feisty today!" This voice came from Mary.

"If by today, you mean everyday then I agree," remarks Lizzie.

"How rude," says Katherine.

I know what you're thinking, doesn't Stephanie Tanner from Full House say that? Katherine is like our own Stephanie or at least she certainly acts like her...just a little feistier. She's also picked up that line ever since we started watching Full House as little kids. It's kinda her trademark.

"Hey guysssss can we start playing yet I'm bored," I say.

"You're always bored. You always say that when we text," replies Caleb.

"Nooo haven't you ever heard. It's a conversation starter! Or maybe you're just that boring." I wink at him.


After what seems like forever we start the game. I go first and score a spare.

"Yessssss" I do my happy dance.

Caleb chuckles as he gets up to take his turn. I blush.

"Whoo! Go Caleb," Lizzie and I yell.

He gets a strike.

"Haha" he gets ready to gloat to me. "You'll never beat m-" I put my finger on his lip to shush him. This surprises us both. I quickly take my hand back and watch the others play their turns. Hopefully no one saw...that was kinda weird.

11:15 AM

We watch as everyone takes their turns. Then Noah yells out, "Let's order food! I'm hungry."
Everyone nods in agreement. Noah orders an omelet, Mary orders waffles, Jo gets a sunny side up egg, Lizzie gets French toast, and the rest of us ordered pancakes.

11:25 AM

They finally brought our food. The pancakes looked so fluffy and delicious and I was so hungry. I wanted to eat it all right now!!! But it was my turn already, sadly. I told Caleb to go for me but being the "great friend" that he is, he said "No I don't wanna accidentally get a strike for you."


"Come on just think about it the faster you go, the faster you can eat your fluffy pancakes."

"But I don't wannaaa."

"Yessss come on," he pulls me up and drags me there. I was still reluctant but I abided. He gives me a bowling ball and for a brief moment our hands brush against each other's. He looks into my eyes and I feel some kind of warmth. He started to lean in. The voice of my best friend yelling "I ship it" pulls me back into reality. Lizzie has made the moment pass. I pulled away from Caleb's hand and rolled the bowling ball as he walked back to his seat. Gutterball...great. I sat back down and started to eat my beautiful pancakes. I wonder what  could've been. if Lizzie hadn't interrupted...

———Caleb POV———
11:30 AM

I can't stop thinking about before...about Kristen. We had a moment but nothing happened of course. Thankfully Lizzie had pulled us back into reality. But what had that moment meant. And why had it happened. When I was young I had a minor crush on her but I thought it went away. Plus it's not like anything would ever happen, she sees me as an older brother. But....I can't help but wonder what could've been.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2020 ⏰

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