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Lily's p.o.v

That Daniel guy is staring at Iris and smiling.
Don't tell me he fell for her!
No no no no no no
I'll first see if he's capable of her and only after my approval he can date her!
Well I'll see that later lemme sleep for now.

Iris's p.o.v

I saw lily glaring at that guy and thinking something and after a minute or so she yawned and went to sleep.
This girl 🙄🙄
Why does she sleep so much!
Well whatever.
Then the teacher continued teaching ignoring lily as she always sleeps in most of the classes.
Half of the day went smoothly only wid that new guy glancing at me from time to time.
It was lunch break and i was pissed of and finally asked that guy.

"Yah! Why do u keep staring at me??"

That guy seem to tense up and his cheeks showed a tint of red.

"umm well i was hoping that you could show me around the school and tell me if there is any space for other member in the dance club"

Idk why but i suddenly felt very happy! We needed someone in our club and we finally got him!

"welllll yess!! The dance club needed just one more member and we found one!! We're glad to have you in our club!"

"omg!!! Thank you!! I'm glad to join the dance club too!"

"So I'm the dance club president along with Jimin. He's a playboy and he barely comes to the practice so it's useless to introduce him. Then there is Hobie and another girl. I'll introduce you to them in a while and then there's you who just joined so you have to fill one smol form. "

" woah! I can't believe that i meet the dance club president on the first day of my school! It's nice to meet you! "

" it's nice to meet you too-"

Before i could complete my sentence my lily spoke up

" Yah! It's lunch break and I'm fucking hungry! Can you both do your love talk later? "

" We did not do any love talk"

"Yeah yeah like i don't have any ears"

"Whatever now come let's go to the cafeteria"


We were about to leave when Daniel suddenly stood up

"ummm can i join you too?"

"No."  Lily replied bluntly

"Sure you can we don't mind."

Lily gave me a death glare and walked away towards the canteen.

"She doesn't like me right?"

"No it's not like that, it's just that she has trust issues"


We then entered the canteen and i took Daniel to our usual seat.

Daniel sat beside me and lily sat opposite to us.

"Umm hi lily"

"Fuck off. Don't talk to me"


"well don't mind her she'll be fine in a few days"


Then the door to the canteen opened again and our friends came in 'The Bangtan Gang'  in short BTS.

They were the most popular and handsome guys in our school and everyone was jealous of us for being their friends.

"Hey iris and lily and.. Wait who's dat?"  Tae questioned.

LOVE TRIANGLE || JM Fancfic ||✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin