Pop Some Corn

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Short a/n: thank you @Yt_writingsfor making me this amazing cover <3<3

Short a/n: thank you @Yt_writingsfor making me this amazing cover <3<3

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S's p.o.v


His name starts with Z. 

Z...Z...Z... I couldn't stop chanting it in my head. I was almost convinced that he, Z, would laugh off the idea of the game. But surprise surprise, and boy the lips comment. Z definitely knows how to keep a person's interest and keep them on their toes. I LOVE IT. 

: That would be one correct guess.

S-1 Z-0

And my guess is that you are a 20-year-old male S.

Also, you have a nice set of lips. :

: Why thanks senor, these lips are all yours if you want them ;) Also being sly are we? If I'm correct that would be two guesses posed as one. But thou shall not worry. My mama raised a gentleman. Also, if we are keeping scoring then,

S-1 Z-1

Senor, I'm a male yes, but not yet 20. Almost, but not completely. 

As for my guess, hmm, I'm gonna guess that Z, you have a beautiful girlfriend. : 

I was hoping beyond all horizons that this guess turns out wrong. Finishing my drink, I took the parcel for mom and left for home. Mom had asked me to come back soon. Though I don't understand what purpose me being at home will serve. But almighty mother dear has commanded and I was not lying about my mama raising a gentleman. And a gentleman respects his mother's wishes.

When I reached home I heard shouting coming from the kitchen. Now I should have been worried, but on hearing for a second more, it was clear that mom was talking to Sam. I wasn't one to take sides and I wasn't going to start now. But I also had to save Sam from getting an earful.



You're welcome, Sam. I thought to myself and smirked because now she owed me one. Whether she liked it or not. Am I evil or what? The shouting subsided and mom walked in a second later.

"Jeez woman, calm down or you're gonna pop a vein or two someday" I sat her down and started massaging her tensed shoulders.

"She says she's got a boyfriend. Did you know that?"

"I knew she met someone, but not that they were a thing"

"Did you know she wants to marry him?"

"WHAT!?" It's official that the females of this house are crazy. I mean she's barely 20!

"I mean she's barely 20-" See! crazy mind reading also going on "-and has not even been to college."

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