Shoot Away Then

20 6 0

S's p.o.v

It was out. They knew. I told them. The reaction? Mom cried, dad tried not to, but they took it pretty well. Better than I was expecting. Definitely better. What had I pictured? Instant house arrest, 24x7 mom or someone around me, constant fussing and urging me to go through the treatment. How they reacted? Well, I'll let me sitting in Parks two days after the hospital incident be the only required answer. Albeit they are here with me, but I'm here, out of the house is what matters the most. 

They had gone to order while I went to my seat to check Z's post. It feels like its been ages since I came here despite it being only two days. Wasting no more time, I quickly read the post.

: That was a stolen guess but a correct one. I do have two tattoos. One on my back and one on my leg. What they are, that you can find for yourself someday:)

S-7 Z-7

You did not just call black coffee bae? *imagine bewildered look followed by hysterical laughing*

I don't have much time to do anything as I'm working part-time. I had thought of going to some cheesy touristy city but guess not. Maybe some other summer. Out of curiosity, if your sister is out there traveling, why didn't you go with her?

P.s. I think I just saw your parents in Parks. Why were they picking up your order?

~Z : 

He knew my parents? True they came to Parks yesterday while I was still in the hospital to get me some coffee, but how does Z know who they are? With these questions going around in my head and the reaction of my parents to the news, I felt this sudden rush imploring me to meet Z. I don't know why. But I felt like this was it. We had to meet now before it was too late. Before I could change my mind I wrote down my post.

: How about we bring that someday real close? And to see that look I will have to see your face. As for my parents, I'm very curious as to how you knew it was them. Also, why they were picking up my drink, there's something I need to tell you to answer that question. 

I'm sorry Z, I know I said that take your time and we'll meet whenever you are ready, but I feel that time is slipping from my hands and I would really love to meet you. Soon. 

The thing that I need to tell you, I'm afraid that if I tell it over these posts you'll never want to meet me. I don't want to risk that, I'm just being honest.

So Z, if you're willing to give me a chance and meet me (I promise I don't bite), meet me here in Parks tomorrow at 7? Will you be done by work by then? If not, I'll be waiting from 7 here. Don't worry, I'll understand if you don't come, but life is short and why wait to do something that's eventually going to happen?

And me being the gentleman that I am, I'll let you take two guesses for the guess that you forgot :) And my guess for today is you'll forgive me pushing you to meet me and if we don't meet you'll continue leaving posts for me?

~S :

I know I was taking a risk here, but it was a risk worth taking. Before I could change my mind, I folded the post and put it in its place. I shifted to a different table, since mom and dad had not returned with the order yet they could just come to this table, so that I wouldn't be tempted to change the post. 

I know I wrote that I'll wait for him from 7 onwards, but it's going to be a difficult task getting mom to agree to let me come by myself. Because I'm definitely not meeting Z for the first time, if he comes, with my parents around. So to get mom to agree, there was only one option left. To tell her about Z. I had just willed myself with this decision when mom and dad came over with our order.

"Why'd you change tables? That one seemed pretty fine?"

"There was something on the table, doesn't matter"

I waited for them to put down the food and drinks and get seated before I cleared my throat.

"So uhm, there's something I need to tell you guys"

It was like this sentence was a trigger. I know after the hospital's news any conversation starting with 'I need to tell you something' might lead to potential heart attacks.

"Guys, I didn't throw a pin removed hand grenade near you-"

"-you might as well have"

"Chill, it's nothing bad. Might even be good news."

"Alright, shoot away then"

"So you know I've been coming to this cafe for some time now right?"

"Yeah? Boy, stop with the suspense already, okay. Will you hurry your ass up and tell whatever it is faster."

"Alright alright. So this boy and I have been talking-" My mom squealed. She actually squealed.

"You met someone! Why didn't you tell us sooner? Who is he? You have to bring him home to meet us!"

"Well that's the thing-" I nervously chuckled and scratched my head, there was no other way of telling this. "- We haven't really met yet. We talk through posts we leave for each other."

"Old school romance! Ooooh, I love this!"

"Yeah so as I was saying-"

"But wait! He could be anyone. HE could be an SHE for all you know-"

"Mom, will you listen? As I was saying, we talk through posts we leave for each other-"

"Can I see them??"

"MOM! Will you please let me talk?"

"Right sorry, continue" She sheepishly smiled at me like she hadn't interrupted me thrice already.

"I have asked him if we could meet tomorrow. Here. I'm going to wait for him because I don't know what time he gets off from work."

"That's fine. I can come with you. I don't know if your dad will be able to or not though. Honey, can you come?"

"Mom! That's the thing. I don't want you guys to be there when I meet him for the first time. That is if he comes."

"But you alone, no I can't possibly, you-"

"Honey, it'll be fine. He's a big boy. He can handle himself. And we can't be there all the time."

"No, I'm not letting him out of my sight. What if something happens and I'm not there to protect my baby?"

"Mom, nothing will happen. I promise."



My parents had those silent conversations of theirs where they just looked at each other's faces and had some sort of conversation without speaking. After a good two agonizing minutes, they broke apart and my mom sighed. That's when I knew she had agreed!

"Fine, but if anything and I mean anything, you call me! And I want you to text me every half hour telling me that everything's alright."

Before I could answer, dad answered for me. Giving me a look which meant this is all I'm getting, take it or leave it. And I'm definitely not leaving it.

"Deal. Don't worry mom, nothing will happen." I tried to reassure her by giving her my best smile but I could see that she was at war with herself to let me come by myself and I was very grateful for them for giving me space and understanding.

We finished our food with some light conversation but my mind was only thinking about tomorrow and whether Z will come or not. I hope this doesn't backfire in the 1001 ways my brain is trying to conjure.


Helloo people!!

A little motivation for you to continue reading my book, the next chapter is going to be BIG ;)

How did you like this chapter?? I know there wasn't much, but it was important to show Simon's feelings and thoughts on this.  

Do vote, comment and share!

Love you all!


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