Clouded Thoughts

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By the time Dipper returned to the shack, the sky had already darkened to night. Stan was sleeping in front of the TV so it was easy to get passed him. Ford was most likely in the basement. It was Mabel he'll have trouble getting passed.

He tip toed up the stairs towards his room that was across from his sister's. Ford had some additions done to the shack. He said it wasn't right for the twins to be sharing a room as adults.

A creak made Dipper stop in his tracks as his sister walked out of her room and looked at him with tired eyes. She must have been asleep.

"Where were you? You've been gone all day. " She said, followed by a yawn.

"Just out for a walk. " He said, not wanting to give the details of the day yet.

"Hmmmmm okay. " Mabel said as she rubbed her eyes before walking back into her room.

Dipper was lucky that she had just woken up. If she was already awake she would have pressed more. It would have been way worse if he ran into Ford, he would've interrogated the boy.

Dipper waited a few moments before he slipped into his room and closed the door. Letting out a sigh, he let himself fall onto his bed, going through all the questions in his mind.

"He's here for something." He mumbled to himself as he stared up at the ceiling. If Bill was there for something, Dipper will have to be the first one to find out so he can stop the demon.

He rolled onto his side, facing his desk. He spotted a notebook on it. Reaching over, he managed to grab the notebook and bring it closer to him. There was a pencil in the spiraling that he pushed out. He smiled when he opened the notebook to see it was unused. If he can't tell anyone about encountering the demon, he figured it might be best to keep a log of his encounters. He wrote down the date, time, and location before closing his notebook and returning it to the spot on the desk.

Dipper lay on his back, staring at the ceiling, wishing for sleep to overtake him. His thoughts were the main obstacle. He knew that his decision to not tell his family of the demon's return will potentially lead to a negative outcome.

After a few hours he felt his eyes getting heavy, sleep had finally come.

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