138 8 12

Tagged by luhan-tfboys luvkuma ms_waffles

1. Your title must be LIT.

I don't really mind.

2. You can't refuse.


3. Must be done in a week or you have to post yourself singing.

Ummmm I don't know if it's within a week or not, but I won't post myself singing. Cuz you can't do anything to me!!!!!😎😎😎😎😝😝😝😝

4. Tag 15 others.

idonthaveapassword MichelleWangYuan

5. No replying comments.

I think I might fail this.....

6. 13 facts about yourself!

1. I'm so tired now.

2. I finished my freshman year in high school.

3. I don't like noisy places.

4. I like to be alone and I want to live alone.

5. I don't really know what I'm doing these days. I don't really read, write, or watch lot of things, most of the time I'm just staring in the air or sleeping.

6. I don't really like summer, I prefer winter more.

7. The reason I'm saying this is it's so hot now and I'm sweaty.

8. My favorite color is light blue and white now. Light blue cuz of Xiao Kai. White cuz white clothes and white stuff are easy to match with other things.

9. My favorite month is August because TFBOYS anniversary is in August.

10. My favorite number is 3😉

11. Ok, I really don't know what to say, I'll just talk about random stuff.

12. I haven't ever dated or fall in love with someone from the moment I was born.

13. Until one day I fell for Qian Xi. Then I also started liking Xiao Kai and Yuan. They were the first boys and even celebrities who made me fell for them. It's really hard for me to like someone, to be honest.

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